Latinx Students in Cap and Gown
Chicano/Latino Affairs Council

Our Mission

Nuestra misión / Mission Statement

Chicano/Latino Affairs Council Mission Statement

Established in 1981, the Chicano/Latino Affairs Council remains committed to:

  • Strengthening Cabrillo College as an Hispanic Serving Institution dedicated to promoting the success of Chicano/Latinx, BIPOC, and other underrepresented students.

  • Supporting the expansion and development of a robust Ethnic Studies department serving the needs of all students college-wide.

  • Increasing the retention and success rates of Chicano/Latinx, BIPOC, and other underrepresented students college-wide.

  • Providing Chicano/Latinx and BIPOC input and leadership in the development of college policies, processes, and programs.

  • Strengthening the community of admin, faculty, staff, students, and others committed to the success of Chicano/Latinx, BIPOC, and other underrepresented students.

  • Developing strategic initiatives, advocacy, policies, and practices across the college that increase equity and success for Chicano/Latinx, BIPOC, and other underrepresented students college-wide.

  • Serving as a liaison to the Chicano/Latinx community in addressing its educational needs.

(CHAC is now known as Chicano/Latino Affairs Council effective 2020)

chac orignal image cartoon depiction latin