Students on Campus

Student Support and Care Team

Welcome to the Student Support and Care Team

Facilitating a Safe and Healthy Learning and Working Environment

SSCT promotes student success within the college community by facilitating a safe and healthy learning and working environment utilizing the "See Something, Say Something, Do Something" approach.

The SSCT is a resource for students, faculty, administration, and staff offering proactive, educational restorative solutions that promote campus well-being. SSCT educates the campus community on ways to address disruptive classroom behaviors and obtain support for distressed, disturbed and dysregulated students.

The Student Support and Care Team also serves as the College's behavioral intervention team. This team responds to, assesses and supports students of concern. Through the combined efforts of the SSCT and the campus community, students will be able to utilize the available resources to care for themselves and others.

Contact Us
Administrative Assistant to the Dean of Student Services
Monica Mendenhall
Retention Coordinator
SSCT Hours

Mon-Thurs: 8am-5pm
Fri: 8am-4pm

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