Bringing 'College Hour' to Cabrillo

College Hour Exploration

How might we Convene, Connect, and Collaborate?


In Fall 2022, the Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) developed a 'pre-task' force to determine if there was any interest toward forming an actual task force to investigate bringing College Hour to Cabrillo.

Presentations made to CCEU, Faculty Senate, ASCC, and College Planning Council (CPC) demonstrated general enthusiasm. Many questions remained.

In Fall 2023, CPC approved a College Hour Task Force under direction of IEC.

The conversation continued with a Flex event in Spring 2024

... and the task force continues to meet regularly.

As the task force began meeting to try to define the scope and purpose of their charge, we defined these basic premises:

  • College Hour should bring students, administrators, and employees together for common purpose and connection.

  • College Hour should break down silos and build in time for gathering –to focus on topics and activities that are relevant to a range of people associated with the College.

  • College Hour should encourage intentional participation on behalf of a broad spectrum of students, staff and faculty. This exemplifies the importance of building community and developing a sense of civic responsibility.

  • The key objective of the task force is to gather information that will help inform the design and implementation of our College Hour plan.

  • We are most certainly not responsible for rearranging class schedules.

Highlights from participant feedback at the Spring Flex event, notes from the CCEU presentation, and general comments from task force meetings
  • Content and topics of college hour should be grassroots, staff and student lead

  • There should be a social component, an intentional time built in for mingling and chatting, not just formal presentations

  • Approved events should be cross disciplinary and inclusive of several components of the college, not only one or two

  • Students should be integral part of design and implementation

  • How can we work together to serve every constituency?

  • It's really hard to get folks to show up, so this is awesome. I could be there every week.

  • Conduct focus groups with special groups on campus who conduct outreach events - so we can hear about their ideas.

  • Possibly do some focus groups?

  • Develop plan to include Watsonville campus in College Hour scheduling. Make sure events happen on both campuses at various times.

  • Expect College Hour to start small and evolve and grow over time

There is more to College than just going to class!
How can you get involved?

While we have no impact on when College Hour might be, we would like to offer a blueprint as to how it might work once time has been made in the schedule.

  • What group will be responsible for programming?

  • How will this be promoted?

  • Is there a way to combine existing efforts (and funds) to ensure the largest part of the community benefits?

For this, we're opening up a Suggestions Form. If you experienced College Hour at another institution, please let us know what you liked (or not) and what worked (or not). Responses will be anonymous, but you will need to log in with a Cabrillo email. If you want to be contacted, please leave your contact information in the form.

Have a suggestion about programming or mechanics for College Hour?