Jenny Robinson "Infrastructure"  abstract image looks like an industrial bridge in red coloring

Cabrillo Gallery

Jenny Robinson: Structural Anatomies

October 1 - October 26, 2018

Link to exhibition images here or view at bottom of page

Jenny Robinson’s large-scale prints capture the raw beauty and monumental power of the exposed structural frameworks found in buildings, bridges, water towers, billboards, zeppelins, boats and more.Robinson specializes in printing with oversized printing plates that she makes from cardboard to accommodate her expansive images.

Image above: Infrastructure, Jenny Robinson

Exhibition images
Jenny Robinson: Structural Anatomies
installation view of the gallery title wall
Installation view of the gallery title wall
Gallery view of exhibition, back wall
Gallery view of exhibition, back wall
Gallery view of exhibition , view from desk area
Gallery view of exhibition, view from desk area
Jenny Robinson "Paradigm" drawing of a seed pod shape section into quadrants
Jenny Robinson, detail drawing and painting of an industrial garbage shoot
detail, Jenny Robinson
Jenny Robinson, "Fractured" drawing of an industrial building structure
"Fractured", Jenny Robinson