If you have a CCCApply confirmation number and are encountering issues, please email Angie (angomez@cabrillo.edu) and Jeff (jlreyes@cabrillo.edu) with your full name, email address, and confirmation number.
Alert — We’re currently experiencing a system-wide issue with CCCApply applications.
Inter Club Council

Inter Club Council Meeting Information *Closed for Fall 2024*

The Inter-Club Council is an extension of the Student Senate and the Student Life Office, that oversees club activities. The ICC is closed for Fall 2024, and will resume February 12th.

All students are encouraged to get the most out of their college experience by participating in co-curricular activities while attending Cabrillo College.

The ICC meetings are held on Wednesday at 3pm until 4pm in person at the Aptos Campus room SAC-E225.

These meetings are open to the Cabrillo community and is a great place to find out what is happening on campus and how your student fees are being used to promote student activities. Join a meeting and learn more about ICC!

Fall 2024 Meetings

Contact ICC Chair Elena at asccicc@cabrillo.edu for information regarding agenda items and meeting information.

Contact Student Life Assistant - Gabby Brooks at gabrooks@cabrillo.edu for scheduling and paper work submissions.

Contact the ICC Advisor - Jasmine Northcutt at janorthc@cabrillo.edu


Inter Club Council- Enhance Your Experience

The ICC is all about the student engagement experience. Joining a club is an easy way to enhance your college experience while building long lasting networks and community. Clubs are organized by students according to specialized fields of interest, academic majors, personal interest, or special service within the college. All students are welcomed and encouraged to join, to get involved, stay informed, and meet other club representatives. Clubs are required to appoint an ICC representative to represent their club and attend all Inter-Club Council business meetings.

Agendas and meeting information can be found using this link to BoardDocs. Click the drop down menu to select ASCC- Inter Club Council.

Umoja Club
Bike Co-Op Club
Bike Co-Op Club
Wise Club
Robotics Club
Carpe Diem
Carpe Diem
International and Multicultural Club
International and Multicultural Club
Natural History Club
Natural History Club
Dig It! Club
Dig It! Club
Active Minds Club
Active Mind Club