If you have a CCCApply confirmation number and are encountering issues, please email Angie (angomez@cabrillo.edu) and Jeff (jlreyes@cabrillo.edu) with your full name, email address, and confirmation number.
Alert — We’re currently experiencing a system-wide issue with CCCApply applications.
Welcome to Cabrillo College Student Senate

Your Student Voice In Action

Welcome To Your Student Senate Info *Closed for Fall 2024*

Student Senate Information:

The Student Senate is your official voice in the shared governance process here at Cabrillo and we are eager to hear from you! The Student Senate is closed for Fall 2024, and will resume February 13th. We are looking forward to finishing an exciting year of student activities and engagement opportunities. Please check your emails for the Seahawk Newsletter to stay informed; check our social media posts on IG @cabrillo_studentlife; visit the Seahawk Senate calendar to find out what is happening on campus.

The Student Senate 2024-25 Goals:

  1. Support students through increased awareness and visibility of the Student Senate.

  2. Foster a sense of community by promoting student engagement, connecting students with campus resources, and supporting programs that offer classroom presentations.

  3. Participate in campus wide communication to ensure transparency between the Student Senate and its constituents.

  4. Increase holistic wellness by promoting Student Health Services, financial literacy, physical activities, food resources and academic support programs.

Fall 2024 Meeting Information:

The Student Senate meetings are open to the public every Thursday at 3:30PM in SAC East 225 (Welcome Center building). The meeting on the third Thursday of the month is held at the Watsonville Center room A150. Zoom participants can use the link (here) and will have limited participation access. Those members of the student constituency public needing specific accommodations, please contact Alta at alnorthc@cabrillo.edu

Fall 2024 Meeting Agenda Links

*Meeting held at the Watsonville Center room A150 every third Thursday

All meeting agendas and minutes for the Fall 2024 semester can be found by clicking the word "here"

News That Directly Impacts You

Student Senate Events:

Seahawks Take Flight: August 15th 9-2pm

Student Senate Welcome: September 4th Watsonville & 5th Aptos

Cabrillo Homecoming and Tailgate: October 5, 2024 starts at 3:30pm

Halloween: October 31st

Community Feast: November 20th - Aptos 3-5, November 21st - Watsonville 3-5

2024-2025 Dates & Deadlines:

Dates To Remember:

August 12, 2024: Bus Pass/ID cards available

August 26, 2024: Fall semester begins

September 7, 2024: Last day to drop class with refund

September 8, 2024: Last day to drop FULL TERM course without a "W" charges applied

September 9, 2024: Census

December 5, 2024: End of Fall for Student Senate

December 9-14, 2024: Finals Week

The Campus Will Be Closed On The Following Days:

September 2, 2024: Labor Day

September 27, 2024: Native Americans Day

November 11, 2024: Veterans Day

November 28-29: Thanksgiving/Board Holiday

December 23- January 1, 2025