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Agriculture & Natural Resources
Short-Term Training | Career Education

Agriculture & Natural Resources

The Agriculture and Natural Resources pathways emphasize real-world, occupationally relevant experiences...

in Agricultural Business, Agriscience Ornamental Horticulture, Biotechnology (combining biology and technology), Hydroponic and Substrate Production, Organic Farming and Plant and Soil Science. Integral components are classroom and laboratory instruction, supervised experience projects, and leadership and interpersonal skills development which prepare students for advanced educational opportunities, or careers. Great careers are available locally and throughout the U.S. at top companies and organizations.


Berry Production Certificate of Completion (Noncredit)
1 Semester

The Berry Production Certificate of Completion is a noncredit certificate designed to introduce students to strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, and blackberry production. Gives an overview of crop biology, physiology, site preparation, water quality, plant nutrition, and production careers. Students will learn plant health issues and diagnosis, organic and inorganic fertilizer calculations and mixing, irrigation management, irrigation monitoring systems, pruning basics, physiological problems, use of high tunnels, food safety, and harvest scheduling. May be offered in distance-learning format.