Ben McCord wanted to go back to school when he found himself unhappy in his job. He chose Cabrillo due to its accessibility, and he had heard that it had a very good CIS program. When he began, faculty talked with the students about opportunities in various apprenticeship programs. Ben decided to apply and was welcomed by Cloud Brigade (part of ScratchSpace).
Ben has completed his first year of the three year apprenticeship. He works with a variety of projects. "Webhosting, DevOps, VoIP PBX, networking, virtualization, and AWS are all regular parts of his workday.
"I work full-time at ScratchSpace and will gain a certificate each year. The work experience is great – most places want you to have prior experience when you apply. I will have something to show on future resumes and applications."
Ben is working toward his CNSA degree as well. He has found his courses to be a positive experience, with good faculty.