Computer and Information Systems / Success Stories

Todd K

Todd Kramer

About the time the internet was starting to boom, Todd Kramer decided at the age of 40 to go back to school.

"I thought IT could be a great field to get into, and I knew that Cabrillo was wonderful," says Todd.

Todd earned two certificates and created his own internship with Cruzio. He installed giant wireless infrastructure; the backbone of Cruzio's infrastructure.

"That gave me valuable experience in the field," remembers Todd.

He learned through Cabrillo faculty about a job opening as an Educational Technology Specialist at Santa Cruz City Schools. Doing well at the interview, he was hired. Todd credits Cabrillo with providing interpersonal communication skills in addition to technical skills.

"It would be challenging to do well in IT without interpersonal skills. I do a lot of training and have to explain in ways that people understand," Todd says.

The position began five years ago at 9 months per year, meaning he needed to work two jobs. He now works full-time with SCCS. He has continued his education, receiving his Associate's degree.

"I feel super successful and attribute that to the instructors. I want to give back to the community, such as volunteering at the Homeless Garden Project."