If you applied to CCCApply between 1/13-1/16 and are encountering issues, please email Angie (angomez@cabrillo.edu) and Jeff (jlreyes@cabrillo.edu) with your full name, email address, and confirmation number.
Alert — We’re experiencing a system-wide issue with CCCApply applications.
Alexandria Bordas
Department Chair of Journalism
Flex Coordinator

Alexandria Bordas is an award-winning investigative journalist and editor. She worked as a reporter on the San Francisco Chronicle's Investigative Team from 2020-2023 to report on dozens of sexual assault allegations against a Sonoma County mayor and winery owner. The resulting report, a multi-part investigative series published over two years, revealed systemic failures by city and police, and ultimately spawned four criminal investigations, two lawsuits, two state political ethics probes, an FPPC investigation, an investigation of the town that employed the mayor; and the resignation of the mayor himself from multiple Sonoma County positions of authority. Alexandria was named journalist of the year in 2022 by the Society of Professional Journalists. She has been a professor of journalism for three years and is a mentor to early-career investigative reporters across the Bay Area.