Fall 2024 Office/Student Hours
Meet with me online through the CTC Zoom Support: CTC Website
Saturday's August 31 – December 7: 12:00-1:15pm
What am I teaching?
Fall 2024 Classes (08/26/2023 - 12/14/2024):
DM 20 - Intro to Web Design (4 units) *
Introduces the tools and methods of web design and production. Offers hands-on training in basic HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) using industry-standard web design tools. Provides background basics of coding, designing, and validating for accessibility as well as browser compatibility; search engine optimization (SEO) basics; and techniques of responsive design, including media queries. Covers posting web pages via File Transfer Protocol (FTP). Offers experience in team project planning and implementation.
*This course is fully online, asynchronous (no mandatory meetings).
Spring 2025 Classes:
CABT 161 - Creating a Simple Website (1.5 units) *
**Meets 11 weeks, 3/10/2025 through 5/31/2025. Note Spring Break Holiday: 3/31/2025 through 4/5/2025.**
Covers creation of simple websites with easy-to-use tools; includes basic graphics, photo editing, HTML commands, uploading and maintaining a web site.
*This course is fully online, asynchronous (no mandatory meetings).
Teaching Philosophy:
First of all, I am passionate about teaching! I love sharing and exploring ideas and concepts using technology for web design, digital media and business applications. Whether it's coding HTML and CSS or applying concepts of user experience design, universal design, graphic design, or creating animations and presentations, there is something that will relate to pretty much any job (not just a web or graphic designer!). There are so many jobs that require skills that relate to these technologies and concepts of design.
Secondly, I want you to have fun learning and exploring. Many concepts might be very new to you and it may feel overwhelming or uncomfortable or just plain awkward! Just like baking the perfect chocolate chip cookie, the first time might not come out so great, so, you try again and each time (hopefully!) they get better! Repetition, making mistakes, asking questions, collaboration, reflection and learning how to figure things out are what are going to help you become successful, in anything you do, whether it's school or work.
Whichever class I am teaching, my goal is to help you gain confidence and insight, feel comfortable exploring areas and implementing concepts that seemed unattainable and provide you with technology and design skills that can open up job opportunities. My belief is that anyone from any background or ability can use these tools to create, convey ideas or information!