Cristina Polesel
Associate Italian Language Instructor
World Languages
Italian 2 Spring 2025 (5 credits)
Required equipment: a computer, a web cam and a mike.
Required prerequisite: Italian 1 or equivalent higher education.
No college credits? Before you register for the class you must fulfill the required 'Requisite challenge form'.
Follow the steps:
1. PRIOR registration, submit the 'Requisite challenge form' in etcentral (link to the form).
2. You can't register for the class while the form is pending for approval.
3. To get approved, you have to meet with me for a quick Italian 2 readiness assessment.
After submitting the form, contact me directly at crpolese@cabrillo.edu to arrange a time to meet.
4. After approval, you will be able to register for the class. Make sure that you add the class to your plan first.
For tech support with submitting the 'Requisite challenge form', contact Admission and Records help desk.
Contact me for advice to complete the form.
After submission, email Admission and Records at webreg@cabrillo.edu. Let them know that you have submitted the form and ask them when it will be processed. Please put me in c/c: crpolese@cabrillo.edu. I will also help expedite the process from my end.
Repeating the same class? Contact me for advice to complete the 'Petition to repeat a course'.
Live class meetings on Zoom:
T - Th 1:30 pm - 3:35 pm
The Spring 2025 semester begins Monday Feb 3.
First day of class: Tu, Feb 4.
Student support hours:
T: 3:50 pm - 4:30 pm
Th: 12:00 pm - 12:40 pm
Italian 2 is offered in a remote distance learning format.
Two weekly live Zoom meetings provide instruction and discussion, and a time when students and the instructor interact. Live attendance throughout the sessions, is required. The balance of the course takes place asynchronously in Canvas, our learning management online environment, where students will find ample instruction and learning options.
The course opens in Canvas Mon Jan. 27, to give you the opportunity to complete the preliminary orientation for this class before instruction starts. Click on the Canvas link from the Cabrillo web site homepage and log in with your college credentials to access your online course.
Enrolled and wait listed students: Two weeks before the first class, you will receive a welcome email with preliminary information including the course materials. If you do not receive this information or if you have any questions, please email me.
If you would like to practice what you have learned in Italian 1 in the Fall semester, the ITA 1 course in LingroLearning will be open for you until the last week before ITA 2 starts. If you are a new student and you need resources to review, contact me.
Be sure that Cabrillo has your current email address and phone number in Self-Service. Please check your email regularly for messages from the College and your instructors.
Contact me at crpolese@cabrillo.edu if you have any questions. Ci vediamo presto! See you on the first day of class.