If you applied to CCCApply between 1/13-1/16 and are encountering issues, please email Angie (angomez@cabrillo.edu) and Jeff (jlreyes@cabrillo.edu) with your full name, email address, and confirmation number.
Alert — We’re experiencing a system-wide issue with CCCApply applications.
Denise Profile Picture
Denise Colosi
Math Instructor

Office Hours
Fall 2023

Student Hours/Office Hours

In-Person, Aptos Room 709:

  • Tuesday, Thursday: 10:40 am - 11:00 am

In-Person, Aptos Room 711D

  • Tuesday, Thursday: 11:05 am - 11:15 am, Wednesday: 11:00 am - 11:30 am

In-Person, Watsonville

  • Tuesday: 2:50 pm - 3:20 pm Room WatA150, Wednesday: 3:10 pm - 3:40 pm Room WatA160, Thursday: 2:50 pm - 3:20 pm Room WatA160


  • Monday, Wednesday, Sunday: 5:00 - 5:45 pm

Also by appointment. Please email decolosi@cabrillo.edu with subject heading "Office Hour Appointment REQUEST". Thank you!