If you applied to CCCApply between 1/13-1/16 and are encountering issues, please email Angie (angomez@cabrillo.edu) and Jeff (jlreyes@cabrillo.edu) with your full name, email address, and confirmation number.
Alert — We’re experiencing a system-wide issue with CCCApply applications.
Dr. Adela Najarro
BA, MFA, PhD With Cabrillo College since 2005
Puente Project

Welcome to Cabrillo College. I'm the English instructor for both STARS and the Puente learning communities, and I also teach creative writing classes. My specialty is the US Latinx experience and poetry. I organize my classes in order to create a learning environment where we work as a writing community in support of each other's efforts. I have to brag that the pass rates for my classes are over 80% and that is because I am here to work with you and to help you succeed in college. Together we can create the world we want and that includes your success as a college student and writer.

Join the STARS and Puente learning communities and get extra support while exploring social justice themes, artistic expression, and what makes the world go round.

Transforming Lives Through Education

If you arrived in the US undocumented, you can get support as you go to college! Go to the Immigrants Rising website
Here's what they do:

Beyond DACA: Find out what's possible for you regardless of DACA

Making Money: Work for yourself and generate income
Going to College in CA: Pursue and complete your college degree
Getting Papers: Learn about your immigration options and find support
Mental Health: Get support for your mental and emotional well-being

AND MORE! Check out the Immigrants Rising website and scroll down to see all the options.

To learn more about Immigrants Rising watch this video.

  • Puente Project
  • Chicano/Latino Affairs Council