Spring 2025 Drop-In Office Hours
Tuesday: 2:00-4:30pm, Online Via Zoom
Also by Appointment/Request
Zoom Link: https://cabrillo-edu.zoom.us/j/83731266936
Meeting ID: 837 3126 6936
Hello! My name is Laurie Colombani. I am a full-time instructor for the Medical Assisting Program. I was actually hired in 2008 while I was still a student in our program!
My 17 years of teaching and helping to develop the Cabrillo College Accelerated Medical Assisting Program have been incredibly rewarding. Chances are that one of my former students is helping to take care of you or a family member here in our local healthcare community.
When I am not teaching, I spend my time cooking, listening to music, meditating, hiking, biking, walking on the beach, watching cool shows and movies, reading, birdwatching, and gardening.
I also love the forest, crystals, animals, star gazing, music, playing board games, and traveling.
I am a spiritual cowgirl at heart, and have always had a deep connection with God, nature, the moon, dogs, horses, squirrels, and birds of every kind, especially the Red Tailed Hawk.
"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think" - A.A. Milne