Headshot of a smiling Caucasian woman with short brown hair and brown eyes
Lisa Gerber
Associate Faculty
Early Childhood Education
(831) 296-2229
Aptos and Online
Fall 2023 Office Hours

I will be co-teaching two classes with Dana Cox this semester:

1) ECE 146 The Child With Special Needs in Childcare. This is a 3-credit, fully online class, which meets via Zoom from 6:30 pm to 8:35 pm on Tuesday evenings beginning January 31 and ending May 23. Office hours are immediately after class via Zoom from 8:40 pm to 9:30 pm or by

appointment if that time doesn't work for you.

2) ECE 59 Health, Safety, and Nutrition for the Young Child is a 3-credit, fully online class that meets via Zoom on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm beginning February 1 and ending May 24. Office hours are immediately after class from 8:05 pm to 8:55 pm via Zoom or by appointment, if that time doesn't work for you.

I will also be teaching ECE 133 Understanding Infant Development this semester. This is a 2 credit, fully online class that will meet via Zoom for 11 weeks on Fridays from 9:30 am to 11:35 am beginning February 24 and ending May 12. Office hours are immediately after class via Zoom from 11:40 am to 12:30 pm or by appointment if that time doesn't work for you.