Marci Cobo
Marci Cobo
Adjunct Spanish Instructor
Spanish, World Languages

¡Hola! I'm one of the Spanish instructors at Cabrillo College. My name is Marci Cobo, but if you're taking my class, you can call me "Marci" or "Señora Cobo"--whichever you feel more comfortable with!

I grew up in California, near San Francisco, but I've also lived in Costa Rica and Ecuador. I was an undergraduate student at UCSC and graduated with a BA in psychology. Afterwards, I studied at the Institute of International Studies in Monterey, CA, where I got a Masters degree in TFL Spanish.

Now I live in Live Oak with my youngest daughter, our dog and cat. I have a daughter who lives in Portland and a son who lives in San Francisco.

Classes and Office hours

Fall 2021:

Spanish 1:

In person! Room 319

Mon/Wed, 6-8:05pm

Office hours: Mon: 8:05-9pm, Wed: 5:30-5:55pm (in classroom), or by appointment on Zoom

Spanish 2:

Online via Zoom classes (find Zoom link on Canvas homepage)

Tu/Th, 6-8pm

Zoom Office hours: Tu: 8-9pm, Th: 5:30-6pm, or by appt.