Sherrie Hueter
ESL Instructor
IBEST Instructor for ECE
English As a Second Language
Both Classes on Zoom

I have been teaching ESL at Cabrillo for 21. I have also co-taught Early Childhood Education classes and Community Health Worker classes for the past 3 years. In addition, I am happy to say that this spring, I will once again (since Covid) be teaching ECE/ESL to the Bunkyo University group from Japan. Before Covid, I was a night coordinator and tutor at the ILC on the Watsonville campus where I thoroughly enjoyed working with students on their papers for all classes, including many ECE classes. In addition, I taught Spanish at Orchard School for 6 years as a fun, small side job (Originally I began teaching bilingual kindergarten in Watsonville, but that was over 25 years ago).

I was born and raised in Santa Cruz County, but I have often traveled for long periods of time around the world. I too was a student at Cabrillo where I completed my AA. I then received my BA in Latin American Studies and completed my bilingual teaching credential at UCSC. After I lived in Mexico for almost a year, I returned to school at San Jose State where I acquired my Masters in Teaching English as a Second Language.


ESL 343-04 - ESL Advanced - Non-Credit: T/Th 6:00-8:05 pm on Zoom with additional asynchronous time

ESL 332 - ECE 34: Observation and Assessment ECE - 3 Credits: Mondays 6:30-8:00 pm on Zoom

Office Hours:

ESL 343-04: 5:00-5:50 on the same Zoom link as the class uses

ESL 332 - ECE 34: 6:00-6:25 and 8:00-8:25 on the same Zoom link as the class uses