Susan Parrish
Susan Parrish
Adjunct Instructor in Music
Music and Theatre Arts Lab Coordinator
available remotely
Information about Fundamentals of Music Online (Mus 6-1)

This Fundamentals of Music course introduces you to the language of musical notation (what all those little dots and marks on the paper mean) and assumes that students have no experience reading music. If you have prior experience with music (reading, singing, or playing an instrument), this course will expand your understanding and knowledge. After completing this class, you will be able to read and notate your own music, and better understand any instrument you play or the music you listen to.

Mus 6-01 is a 100% "asynchronous online" class, and as such means there are NO scheduled instructional class meetings. You are responsible for reading the instructional web pages listed in the Weekly Learning Modules in Canvas at any time that is convenient for you throughout the week. The class week begins on Mondays and all Quizzes, Homework Assignments are due the following Monday 9 am (PST).

This is a college level class worth 3 credits and demands consistent time and energy to do well. In past semesters, students who received an A in this class spend an average of 4-7 hours/week on the coursework.


YOU MUST HAVE A WORKING COMPUTER TO SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETE THIS CLASS! Your computer configuration must meet these minimum hardware and connection requirements. **If you do not have regular access to a suitable computer with reliable access to the internet, you should not take this online class!


  • Windows 7, 8, 10, 11

  • 500mb Hard Disk space (initial without media downloads)

  • Internet connection required for initial activation, ongoing media downloads & Cloud edition

  • Screen Resolution – 1024 x 768 or 1152 x 720 minimum


  • macOS 10.12 or later

  • 500Mb Hard Disk space (initial without media downloads)

  • Internet connection required for initial activation, ongoing media downloads & Cloud edition

  • Screen Resolution – 1152 x 720 minimum

** Accessing the class in Canvas with only a mobile phone or tablet will NOT provide you with the tools you need to successfully complete this class. The web pages that you will read are embedded with hundreds of musical scores that need a computer screen to display properly. The activities I assign in Auralia and Musition are available only with the Cloud Bundle you must download onto your computer.


  • Internet access with broadband or high speed modem - Students with dial-up service will experience extremely long download times of web pages due to their rich media content.

  • An updated Internet browser for your operating system - Please refer to the Canvas support page for information on supported browsers.

  • A functioning email account - I use the Canvas Inbox tool to message and communicate with you. Canvas uses your Webadvisor email account for all communication. Please use and open your email account on a daily basis or you will miss important announcements and messages.

**If you are using a computer at work, a network firewall may cause difficulty with downloading some of the course files. Check with your system administrator for solutions. Some security settings, and browser add-ons may also block access to the materials in this course. You are responsible for solving these problems.


You must purchase and download the software: Auralia and Musition Cloud Bundle ($59) to your computer. You get a discounted price by using the Cabrillo license for the software given to you in Canvas. The application is NOT available for download on Chromebooks. The activities I assign in Auralia and Musition software comprises roughly 90% of your homework.


I use the Cabrillo Canvas Online Server as the delivery and communication system for this course. Canvas is managed by the Teaching Learning Center (TLC) at Cabrillo College. The Canvas pages for this course provide a rich set of tools that make online learning easy.

  • You can log into Canvas at anytime after midnight on the first day of the Cabrillo semester using your Cabrillo student ID and password.

  • You must log into Canvas and access the class site during the first FIVE days of the semester to remain enrolled in the class.

If you require additional help with Canvas, the Cabrillo College web site also includes a number of tutorials.