Undocumented Student Action Week

Monday October 14th
Mindful Monday
11:00am - 1:00pm
Dream Resource
Program: De-stress and Socialize Plus Meet the Staff!
In-person, Watsonville Center/ Infront of the Stairway
Enjoy Cafecito! PLUS FREE Professional Headshots for your Linked-In
Tuesday October 15th
Guest Speaker:
5:30pm - 7:00pm
Reyna Maldonando from Guerilleras Kitchen
Watsonville, Room A130

Wednesday October 16th
Dreamers Lunch (By Invitation Only)
with Dr. Jason De Leon, Watsonville, RmA380
Guest Speaker:
Dr. Jason De Leon In-person,
Aptos, Bldg. 400/Room 450
Light Refreshments Provided
Thursday October 17th
Webinar Watch Party
Bridging the Gap:
Enhancing Culturally Competent Mental Health Care Access in the Undocumented Community, Via Zoom, 9am
Throw Back Thursdays
Global Music, Hosted OSE, Aptos Quad
Friday October 18th
Undocumented Student Conference at Woodland Community College,
RSVP today to secure transportation
(Staff and Students Welcomed)