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Assembly Bill 1725 and Title 5

"It is the general purpose of this act to improve academic quality, and to that end the Legislature specifically intends to authorize more responsibility for faculty members in duties that are incidental to their primary professional duties." (AB 1725, section 4, (n).)

When AB 1725 was signed into LAW, it gave local senates a great deal of new responsibility. At Cabrillo this responsibility is, as the representative of the faculty, to make recommendations to the Cabrillo College Administration and Cabrillo College Governing Board with respect to academic and professional matters. "Academic and professional matters" are defined as the following "policy development and implementation matters" (Title 5, Art 2, sections 53200, (c):

  1. curriculum, including establishing prerequisites and placing courses within disciplines

  2. degree and certificate requirements

  3. grading policies

  4. educational program development

  5. standards and policies regarding student preparation and success

  6. district governance structures, as related to faculty roles

  7. faculty roles and involvement in accreditation processes, including self study and annual reports

  8. policies for faculty professional development activities

  9. processes for program review

  10. processes for institutional planning and budget development

  11. other academic and professional matters as mutually agreed upon between the governing board and the academic senate

The Cabrillo College Governing Board has elected to rely primarily upon the advice and judgment of the Cabrillo College Faculty Senate, in all the areas listed above. This means that the recommendations of the Cabrillo College Faculty Senate will normally be accepted, and only in exceptional circumstances and for compelling reasons will the recommendations not be accepted. If a recommendation is not accepted, the Cabrillo College Governing Board or its designee...shall promptly communicate its reasons in writing to the Cabrillo College Faculty Senate. (Title 5, Article 2, sections 53203, (d), (1)

AB 1725, section 4, (r),(3) states that ... "Faculty members derive their authority from their expertise as teachers and subject matter specialist and from their status as professionals." (As a result, the faculty has an inherent professional responsibility in the development and implementation of policies and procedures governing academic and professional matters.)

What should administrators be doing? "Administrators.. (should).. lead, organize, plan and supervise...understand the needs of faculty and the learning process...and value institutional governance based upon a genuine sharing of responsibility with their faculty colleagues." (AB 1725, section 4, (o), (3).)

"The appointment of faculty members to serve on college or district committees, task forces, or other groups dealing with academic and professional matters, shall be made, after consultation with the chief executive officer or his or her designee, by the academic senate. ...the collective bargaining representative may seek to appoint faculty members to committees..." Title 5, Article 2, section 53203, (f).

See the enitire Assembly Bill 1725 document.

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