Relationship with Associated Students (ASCC Student Senate)
- The student trustee will maintain a working relationship with the ASCC Student Senate by attending and participating in all ASCC Student Senate meetings, per its Constitution and Bylaws.
Expectations for Involvement
- Attend regular and special board meetings.
- Speak on all issues on behalf of current students and the ASCC Student Senate
- Vote on all action items.
- Make and second motions.
Contact Point
- The same advisor as the ASCC Student Senate
- Executive Assistant to the Superintendent/President.
Point of View
- Intermediate and operational issues on behalf of current students and the ASCC Student Senate
- Long range and broad on behalf of future students
Orientation and Training for the Position
- Focus on internal, student-oriented issues. Orientation and major sources of information are the ASCC Student Senate, other students, and administration
- Orientation and training handbook to be used as part of the Board Training