Guardian Scholars Program

About Guardian Scholars
The Cabrillo College Guardian Scholars Program is a support program for highly motivated students who want to earn a degree, certificate, or prepare to transfer and are currently or have been in foster care at any point in their life. We are here to help students achieve their educational goals and connect them with resources. NextUp expands support services to students who have been in the foster care system. Foster youth are eligible for Guardian Scholars and NextUp. Foster care dependency must be verified.
Guardian Scholars eligibility:
Enrolled in 6+ units
Foster care dependency verification
NextUp eligibility:
Current or former foster youth, who was in care on or after their 13th birthday
Be under the age of 25 at the commencement of the academic year in which the student first enrolls in the program
California resident or AB540 eligible
Enrolled in at least 9 units OR enrolled in fewer than 9 units but with an educational plan designed to move students toward subsequent enrollment in at least 9 units
Services we offer:
Communal center/lounge
Holistic case management
Book voucher
Snack pantry
Computer lab
Free Printing
Academic counseling
Financial aid counseling
Connection to other campus services and programs
Connections to community resources

Steps to join the program
To be part of the Guardian Scholars Program you must be enrolled in 6 or more units for Fall or Spring.
We are located below the Library in room 1006

watch the video below
Meet the Guardian Scholars Support Staff