Safety Compliance Enforcement

A system should be in place to ensure that employees comply with safe and healthy work practices. This may include the use of incentives, training or retraining, and disciplinary action.

Required Activities:

  1. To encourage safe behavior on the job, first line supervisors should acknowledge their employees for performing work safely. This provides positive affirmation and encourages cooperation with the program.
  2. Any employees making an exceptional contribution to the Safety Program should be recognized with a brief letter (with a copy to the employee's personnel file).
  3. If a supervisor observes an employee performing in an unsafe manner, he/she should determine the reason. If disciplinary action is required, the procedure identified in item # 4 below should be used. If a lack of knowledge is involved, appropriate training should be provided.
  4. When an employee is uncooperative and deliberately does not support the Program or does not follow safe work practices, disciplinary action in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement should be exercised.
  5. It is the responsibility of every supervisor to ensure that all of his/her employees receive a personal copy of the General Safe Work Practices and Department Specific Safe Work Practices (if department specific practices exist for the department).
Reporting of Unsafe Conditions

Required Activities

  1. All employees, especially managers and supervisors, have the duty to observe, identify, and report unsafe conditions as part of their responsibilities. Waiting until the semi-annual inspection takes place is only inviting accidents.
  2. Taking care to identify and correct unsafe work practices and conditions is an important activity within this program and must be taken seriously. No employee will be disciplined or discriminated against for reporting an unsafe condition.
  3. When an unsafe condition is reported, the supervisor or manager should prepare a written statement of the condition and either correct it immediately or produce a work request for the Facilities Planning and Plant Operations Department. Correction or replacement of unsafe equipment conditions is the responsibility of the department to which the equipment belongs. Copies of the work request for repairing unsafe conditions and/or equipment should be forwarded to the Program Coordinator, or designee.
  4. Semi-annual, Safety Inspection Reports will be completed by someone within the department. The process is discussed and responsibilities are outlined in the "Employee Training" section of the manual.
  5. Copies of all work request and other actions designed to repair or eliminate work hazards will be sent to the Program Coordinator, or designee. The Program Coordinator, or designee, will track open items to ensure they are completed within a reasonable time frame. Expenses of repairs may be the responsibility of the department requesting the repairs.
  6. Thorough documentation on particular issues must be maintained for future reference. This documentation should include the corrective action to be taken or the decision not to take any action. Documentation should be retained for three years.