Anatomy Biology and Chemistry & Physics
Safe Work Practices

These Safe Work Practices are provided for your information and education. They are intended to provide you with basic safety and health information that will assist you in avoiding injury while performing your daily activities.

These Safe Work Practices are part of Section Two, Training and Education, of the Injury & Illness Prevention Program of Cabrillo Community College District, and are required by Section 3203 of Title 8, the mandatory safety legislation of Cal/OSHA. You are obliged to follow these Safe Work Practices while performing your work activities.


  1. General Safe Work Practices-- Required for all Cabrillo employees
  2. Department Specific Safe Work Practices: Anatomy, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics employees-- Required for all Anatomy, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics employees
  3. Department Specific Safe Work Practices: Office and Administrative-- Required for department employees who perform substantial office and administrative duties
  4. Bloodborne Pathogens: Category II-- Required for Anatomy, Biology, and Physiology Instructors; Biology Laboratory Technicians

NOTE: Bloodborne Pathogens training is required to be completed EVERY year. 

Additional Safe Work Practices exist for employees of Anatomy, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics as listed above. Items 1, 2, and 3 are found in the Cabrillo IIPP. Item 4, Bloodborne Pathogen training is a separate program and can be found in a separate binder or on Cabrillo's safety website.

You are encouraged to contribute ideas to expand or improve these Safe Work Practices.

  1. All employees should know the location of fire extinguishers and have some familiarity with their use. If necessary, specific training should be given.
  2. All employees should know the location of the fire blankets and should have some training in rapid response in how to use fire blankets.
  3. All chemicals should be labeled properly and clearly. The date the material was acquired should also be identified on the label so that inventory procedures can be followed in the future. Potentially harmful chemicals should be labeled, stored, and handled with special precautions.
  4. All chemical storage areas should have containment in the front of doors that close and special retaining devices or sturdy lip extensions installed in front portion of the shelves.
  5. Scalpels and dissecting needles for the lab experiments should be stored in clear breakers with the sharp edge or points in a downward position.
  6. Because of possible contamination of food products, eating and drinking is not allowed in laboratories or in the preparation room. Food or beverage containers should never be used to store materials in laboratories.
  7. When spills involve classified hazardous materials, you should activate emergency procedures that involve hazardous spills. If you are unfamiliar with such procedures, contact your Campus Safety Officer.
  8. Incompatible chemicals should not be stored in the same vicinity or in the same cabinet.
  9. All flammable materials should be stored in special cabinets. These are of steel construction with special ventilation and are usually labeled by Factory Mutual or Underwriters Laboratories.
  10. Corrosive material should be stored in special corrosive cabinets. This is for the protection of both employees and facilities.
  11. Certain operations may require the use of an appropriate dust mask or respirator. Only trained employees who have had a medical clearance may use a respirator. Contact the Campus Safety Officer or Program Coordinator for information on the District respiratory protection program.
  12. Gloves and goggles should always be worn while diluting strong acids, working with volatile materials, utilizing flammable liquids, or when fume hoods are being used.
  13. All employees should know the location of the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs), which are on hand for all chemicals in the laboratory. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the MSDSs to understand the hazard of the materials and know emergency procedures and first aid response. New MSDSs or revised MSDSs should be reviewed as soon as received. See the District's Hazard Communication Program.
  14. Place broken glass in the appropriate waste containers. If broken glass containers are not available, place the broken glass in a paper bag. Seal the bag and label it as broken glass. Place next to the garbage can for Custodial Department to see. Please be cautious about disposing of broken glass and other sharp objects. Be aware that another person must handle your trash.