The Children's Center
Safe Work Practices

These Safe Work Practices are provided for your information and education. They are intended to provide you with basic safety and health information that will assist you in avoiding injury while performing your daily activities.

These Safe Work Practices are part of Section Two, Training and Education, of the Injury & Illness Prevention Program of Cabrillo Community College District, and are required by Section 3203 of Title 8, the mandatory safety legislation of Cal/OSHA. You are obliged to follow these Safe Work Practices while performing your work activities.


  1. General Safe Work Practices-- Required for all Cabrillo employees
  2. Department Specific Safe Work Practices: The Children's Center-- Required for all Children's Center employees
  3. Department Specific Safe Work Practices: Office and Administrative-- Required for Children Center employees who perform substantial office and administrative duties
  4. Bloodborne Pathogens: Category II-- Required for Children's Center Teachers, Lab Assistants, Child Care Specialist & Temps, ECE Instructors, Program Spec I/II, and Office Assistant

NOTE: Bloodborne Pathogens training is required to be completed EVERY year. 

Additional Safe Work Practices exist for employees of The Children's Center as listed above. Items 1, 2, and 3 are found in the Cabrillo IIPP. Item 4, Bloodborne Pathogen training is a separate program and can be found in a separate Binder or on Cabrillo's safety website.

Department Specific Safe Work Practices: The Children's Center

  1. Whenever possible, the lifting of children is to be kept to a minimum. Teaching staff should participate in back care workshops to teach the correct way to lift children and other heavy objects. When it is necessary to lift or move heavy objects, it is extremely important that everyone practice the safe lifting method of bending the knees and not the back. Staff is encouraged to ask for assistance if moving large objects such as children's classroom furniture.
  2. Teaching staff and teacher assistants are required to use gloves whenever they are required to touch any bodily fluids. Teaching staff and teacher assistants should carry latex gloves in their pockets at all times when at work.
  3. The floors, particularly the main walking paths in classroom, are kept clean and free of debris to avoid tripping. Wet floors should be dry mopped to avoid slipping.
  4. The outdoor pavement should be kept free of standing water (rain) to avoid slippage.
  5. All staff is required to wash and disinfect their hands often to avoid the spread of germs. Disinfectant hand soap is provided in a dispenser for this purpose. Hand cream is offered to keep hands from cracking.
  6. All staff are encouraged to take breaks; one 15 minute break per four hours of work.
  7. All staff is encouraged to stay at home when ill.
  8. Paper towel dispensers with individual paper towels are available for all staff.
  9. Staff uses different sponges (labeled) for cleaning the floor and cleaning counter tops. This helps in preventing the spread of germs. The floor sponges have one corner cut off for identifications purposes.
  10. Floors and rugs are to be thoroughly vacuumed at least once each day.
  11. First aid for the children's minor cuts, bruises, scrapes, abrasions consist of only one or more of the following: hugs, ice, soap & water, or band-aid. If an injury requires more attention than this the parent must come to the school to do things such as administer antibiotic creams, take out slivers, etc.
  12. Staff is required to renew first aid certificates and CPR certificates on a regular basis. These certificates must be current.
  13. Staff is encouraged to wear comfortable clothing and closed, flat shoes with rubber soles.
  14. Staff is requested not to reach or lift articles from high shelves. They are encouraged to request assistance and/or use a ladder to reach higher items.
  15. Garbage is removed frequently, at least once a day.
  16. If staff becomes aware of a faulty piece of equipment, it should be taken out of use immediately and reported to the director. If staff becomes aware of a hazardous condition of the physical plant such as a crack in the sidewalk where people could trip or a broken fence, etc. they should immediately report it to the director.
  17. All employees are required to educate themselves on the emergency procedures for responding to fire, earthquakes, and other emergencies. The children's center has an emergency preparedness plan, which is available for staff and parents, and practices on a yearly basis.
  18. The Children's Center children and staff practice emergency drills that include setting off the fire alarm and evacuating to a safe place as least once each semester.