Employee Safety Training

Culinary Arts, Hospitality Management & Food Service

Culinary Arts, Hospitality Management & Food Service
Safe Work Practices

These Safe Work Practices are provided for your information and education. They are intended to provide you with the basic safety and health information that will assist you n avoiding injury while performing your daily activities.

These Safe Work Practices are part of Section Two, Training and Education, of the Injury & Illness Prevention Program of Cabrillo Community College, and are required by Section 3202 of Title 8, the mandatory safety legislation of Cal/OSHA. You are obligated to follow these Safe Work Practices while performing your work activities.

You are encouraged to contribute ideas to expand or improve these Safe Work Practices.

  1. Never operate a machine or perform a task until you understand all aspects of the job and are authorized to do so. Jewelry can be caught by equipment, no dangling jewelry is allowed in the workplace.

  2. To protect yourself and others from infection, hand-washing procedures are critical. Throughout a shift you should wash your hands frequently. Know the key tasks that must be followed by hand washing.

  3. Spills must be cleaned up immediately taking care not to leave a greasy film. Never leave a large spill unattended, have someone watch the spill while someone else gets the clean up equipment. Post a "wet floor" sign until mopped areas are fully dry.

  4. Always lift correctly. Bend your knees, firm your grip, keep object close to the body and lift taking care not to twist the back. Get help when needed (loads over 25 lbs.)

  5. Use proper ladder for access to elevated heights. Do no use top steps on stepladder, do not overreach, but rather move ladder closer.

  6. Use proper knife for the job. Cut away from the body and other workers; never store knives in the drawer or under a towel. Never send a knife to the dish room and never put a knife in a sink with water Always wear a whizard glove when using a knife.

  7. Latex gloves must be worn if helping another person with a cut or if cleaning up blood from a cut. Appropriate safety procedures must be followed whenever blood is present.

  8. Use a hot mitt or hot pads when picking up hot items. Never use a wet towel in the place of a hot pad.

  9. To prevent slips and falls, appropriate footwear must be worn at all times. Shoes with a hard leather surface and rubber slip resistant soles are required. Shoes with open toes or heal or in poor repair are never acceptable.

  10. Pants must be worn to protect the legs from hot items and spills.

  11. Clean as you go. Always keep your work area neat and orderly. Clean after each task.

  12. Place broken glass in appropriate container. Use broom and dustpan to remove broken glass. Never use your bare hands.

  13. Before using a piece of equipment make sure it is in good repair. Always adhere to lock out/tag out procedures.

  14. Be aware of what chemicals you are using, review MSDS book for appropriate PPE's. Use gloves when handling potentially hazardous items such as chemicals.

  15. Always be aware of your surroundings, calling out "behind you", "hot", or "coming through" to make other people aware of your presence.

  16. If able to correct minor hazards, do so immediately, report all hazards to a manager or supervisor immediately.