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Safe Work Practices

These Safe Work Practices are provided for your information and education. They are intended to provide you with basic safety and health information that will assist you in avoiding injury while performing your daily activities.

These Safe Work Practices are part of Section Two, Training and Education, of the Injury & Illness Prevention Program of Cabrillo Community College District, and are required by Section 3203 of Title 8, the mandatory safety legislation of Cal/OSHA. You are obliged to follow these Safe Work Practices while performing your work activities.

You are encouraged to contribute ideas to expand or improve these Safe Work Practices.

  1. All shipping/receiving employees who may handle containers or boxes should follow this proper lifting procedure: First squat down and use the legs and arms instead of the back to lift the box. Once you are in a squat position, lift the box with your arms and place it on your thighs for balance; if necessary, place your knee on the ground for balance. Make sure you have a good grasp on the box, and slowly rise, remembering to keep your back straight. Never bend over at the waist and lift with your back. Never twist torso while lifting or carrying items.
  2. Box cutters, knives, and other cutting devices are potentially dangerous and should be treated with respect. Always cut away from yourself. First, slit the topside edges of the box on both sides, and then pull up the middle and cut down the centerline. Take care not to hurt yourself or damage the merchandise inside. If the knife is equipped with a safety, keep the safety in position at all times. If the knife has a moveable blade, always store the knife within the handle when not in use.
  3. A pallet jack is a potential dangerous piece of equipment if not used properly. Refrain from any kind of horseplay when using pallet jacks.
  4. Always use the pallet jack in such a way as to reduce potential injury to your feet by maintaining an adequate amount of room to maneuver. If others are in the area, be sure to leave a safe distance to work around them. Make sure they are aware of your presence and that a pallet jack is in use.
  5. Do not use the pallet jack in a hurry or move it around too quickly. It is possible to lose control and injure someone.
  6. Take time to become familiar with emergency exits in order to respond properly in an emergency or evacuation.
  7. Only certified drivers can use the forklift. Follow the safety guidelines set forth in the District's Industrial Truck Program. The driver should check forklifts each day prior to operation. If found unsafe, report the problems to the warehouse supervisor immediately for repair. No riders are permitted on these vehicles.
  8. Place all hazardous materials in the appropriate storage cabinet prior to the end of the receiving day. Check the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) if unsure of handling procedures for new materials.
  9. In transporting hazardous materials on campus, ensure that the load is secure. Segregate incompatible materials from each other. Use secondary containment if available. Check the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) in case of a spill for handling and clean up procedures.
  10. Never accept a leaking hazardous material container from a distributor.
  11. Warehouse employees should wear appropriate safety clothing and equipment: Steel-toe safety shoes and as required: gloves, safety glasses, and lifting belts.
  12. Use of hand trucks to move boxes or equipment requires proper care in securing the load. Never stack the load above the frame of the hand truck. Observe the nose plate of the hand truck as you return it empty. The nose plate could cause an injury to the feet or ankles of others.
  13. Delivery van operators are responsible for the safe operation of the vehicle at all times. Vehicle should be checked by driver each day prior to use; perform safety checks of the tires, mirrors, lights, horn, steering gear, brakes, wipers, and seat belt, etc. Report any defects to the warehouse supervisor for repair.