If you are not a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident and do not currently possess a green card, visa, or other legal documentation, you are considered an undocumented immigrant. DACA employment authorization does not qualify as permanent residency documentation.
YES. Undocumented students can go to any college or university in California if they meet admissions requirements.
- AB540 to pay in state tutition in California
- California DREAM Act to recieved state financial aid.
- Board of Governers (BOG) tuition wavier to wave tuition expenses
- Defferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) for temporary work authorization and temporary relief from deportation.
- Yes, you can apply for financial aid, but do not apply to the FAFSA.
- You must complete the Cal DREAM Act Application at www.caldreamact.org and follow up with your financial aid office.
- Before you submit your California Dream Act application, make sure to submit your AB540 application.
- To apply for AB540, Cabrillo Students must apply through Webadvisor. You can find the AB540 application under eforms. Go to "Forms", then select "AR-California Nonresident Tuition Exemption". To log on to your Webadvisor, you can click here
- No, undocumented students do not qualify for federal financial aid.
- You should not apply for the FAFSA, even if you have a DACA social security number.
- To recieve state financial aid, undocumented students can apply for the California DREAM Act. You can access the application here and follow up with the Cabrillo College financial aid office.
- The California DREAM Act Application allows students enrolled in eligible California Colleges, Universities and Career Education Programs to apply for state financial aid
- To complete the Cal DREAM Act Application, visit www.caldreamact.org and follow up with Cabrillo financial aid office.
- Before you submit your California DREAM Act application, make sure to submit your AB540 application.
- To apply for AB540, Cabrillo Students must apply through Webadvisor. You can find the AB540 application under eforms. Go to "Forms", then select "AR-California Nonresident Tuition Exemption". To log on to your Webadvisor, you can click here
- The California DREAM Act is unrelated to DACA
- CA DREAM Act applications are reviewed by the state of California. Information from this application is not shared with the federal government
- Students must meet the requirements of AB540 and/or
- Reside in California with a U-Visa or
- Reside in California with a Temporary Protected Status (TPS)
- AB540 is the California legislation that allows undocumented students to attend a community college, state university, or University of California and pay resident (in state) tuition.
- To apply for AB540, Cabrillo Students must apply through Webadvisor. You can find the AB540 application under eforms. Go to "Forms", then select "AR-California Nonresident Tuition Exemption". To log on to your Webadvisor, you can click here.
- Have attended California public education K-12 for 3 or more academic years.
- Graduate from a California high school with a diploma, or obtain the equivalent of a G.E.D.; or a passing score on the California High School Proficiency Exam (CHSPE).
- Register or currently enrolled at an accredited institution of higher education in California.
- To apply for AB540, Cabrillo Students must apply through Webadvisor. You can find the AB540 application under eforms. Go to "Forms", then select "AR-California Nonresident Tuition Exemption". To log on to your Webadvisor, you can click here
AB2000 is a new California Legislation that expands AB540 qualifications. AB2000 allows students to qualify by attending any 3 years of K-12 education in California as long as they also meet the other AB540 requirements.
NO. AB540 law applies only at PUBLIC community colleges and universities in California (CSU/UC). Therefore, undocumented students attending a private institution may be charged the non-resident tuition.
Cabrillo students will be notified via email. For questions on the status of your application or eligibility questions you can contact the Admissions and Records residency specialists, Rosario Juarez, at (831) 479-6208 or via email at rojuarez@cabrillo.edu.
- Yes, if you transfer to another college, you must reapply for AB540.
- Your Cabrillo College AB540 status will not transfer to another college.
- Yes, if the adult school courses were used to complete high school graduation requirements.
The affidavit is part of the AB540 application. It is not a separate form. The affidavit is a declaration stating that the student completed 3 years of high school, graduated from high school, or earned the equivalency of a high school diploma in California. It also declares that the student intends to adjust his/her immigration status whenever qualified.
- Students categorized as AB540 will not be classified as California residents. However, they will be allowed to pay resident (in state) tuition.
- To apply for AB540, Cabrillo Students must apply through Webadvisor. You can find the AB540 application under eforms. Go to "Forms", then select "AR-California Nonresident Tuition Exemption". To log on to your Webadvisor, you can click here
DACA is Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, a policy approved by President Obama that grants employment authorization to individuals that meet the following criteria:
- Were under the age of 31 as of June 15, 2012;
- Came to the United States before reaching their 16th birthday;
- Have continuously resided in the United States since June 15, 2007, up to the present time;
- Were physically present in the United States on June 15, 2012, and at the time of making your request for consideration of deferred action with USCIS;
- Entered without inspection before June 15, 2012, or their lawful immigration status expired as of June 15, 2012;
- Are currently in school, have graduated or obtained a certificate of completion from high school, have obtained a general education development (GED) certificate, or are an honorably discharged veteran of the Coast Guard or Armed Forces of the United States
- Have not been convicted of a felony, significant misdemeanor, three or more other misdemeanors, and do not otherwise pose a threat to national security or public safety.
The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will no longer accept or process first-time NEW applications after September 5, 2017.
We encourage all DACA recipients who quality for this renewal to contact a local immigration attorney or BIA organization IMMEDIATELY to initiate the renewal process.
For a list of Immigration Attorneys and BIA accredited organizations in Santa Cruz and Monterey counties, click here
No, anyone can enroll at Cabrillo regardless of immigration status. DACA does not impact a student's eligibility to attend Cabrillo College or their eligibility to receive the California DREAM Act or Board of Governors (BOG) tuition waiver. Please continue to pursue your education!
- DACA, AB540, and the California Dream Act are not the same. Please see table below to understand the difference between all three programs.
- Even if DACA is eliminated, this will not impact a student's eligibility to attend Cabrillo College or their eligibility to receive the California Dream Act or Board of Governors (BOG) tuition waiver. Please continue to pursue your education!
AB540 (Assembly Bill 540):
- Allows qualified students to pay resident fees at California colleges and universities
- This is not the same as the California DREAM Act. Students who wish to be considered for the CA DREAM Act must apply separately.
- The California DREAM Act Application allows students enrolled in eligible California Colleges, Universities, and Career Education Programs to apply for state financial aid
- This application is unrelated to DACA
- CA DREAM Act applications are reviewed by the state of California. Information from this application is not shared with the federal government
DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals):
- Grants two-year worker authorization and temporary relief of deportation
- DACA applications are reviewed by the federal government
- Provides temporary social security card for WORK ONLY
A travel application that can allow DACA recipients the opportunity to travel abroad. Advanced parole is granted for humanitarian, employment, or educational reasons. Effective September 5, 2017, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will no longer grant DACA recipients permission to travel abroad through Advance Parole. Any pending applications for advance parole will not be processes and DHS will refund any associated fees.
Yes, you can still enroll at Cabrillo, even if DACA is eliminited. Anyone can enroll at Cabrillo regardless of immigration status. DACA does not impact a student's eligibility to attend Cabrillo College or their eligibility to receive the California DREAM Act or Board of Governors (BOG) tuition waiver. Please continue to pursue your education!
- In order to find out if you are eligible to apply for legal permanent residency, contact a licensed immigration attorney or BIA accredited organization. DO NOT give your money to a "notario." In the United States, a "notario" is not an attorney and cannot help you establish residency.
- For a list of Immigration Attorneys and BIA accredited organizations in Santa Cruz and Monterey counties, click here
- AB540 is the California legislation that allows undocumented students to attend a community college, state university, or University of California and pay resident (in state) tuition.
- To apply for AB540, Cabrillo Students must apply through Webadvisor. You can find the AB540 application under eforms. Go to "Forms", then select "AR-California Nonresident Tuition Exemption". To log on to your Webadvisor, you can click here.
- If you are under the age of 19 by the time of enrollment at Cabrillo, you may also qualify if one of your parents is a legal resident of California.
Be sure to check your email reguarly. For any questions on the status of your application you can contact Judith Guerrero from the Cabrillo Financial Aid office at (831) 479-6408 or by emailing juguerre@cabrillo.edu.
A Cal Grant is financial assistance that may be offered to you through your application for the California DREAM Act. Check your Cal Grant status online at www.mygrantinfo.csac.ca.gov. If you learn that you have qualified for a Cal Grant and it is not posted on your financial aid award, contact the Financial Aid Office immediately.
Please visit our DREAM Resource Program Scholarship section for more info
California DREAM Act:
Judith Guerrero, Financial Aid Specialist
(831) 479-6408
Cabrillo College Financial Aid
AB540 Application:
Rosario Juarez, Residency Specialist
(831) 479-6208
Cabrillo College Admissions and Records
BOG (Board of Governors) Tuition Waiver:
Anyone from Admissions and Records
Can help with answering BOG questions,
Eligibility and status.
Admissions and Records
Aptos (831) 479-6100, Welcome Center
Watsonville (831) 786-4701, Watsonville Center
For additional support and questions:
DREAM Resource Program Student Assistant
Building 100, Office 104
Don't see your specific question listed?
Feel free to contact us by phone at (831) 477-3381 or email us below