Private and Out-of-State Schools

General Private and Out-of-State University Information
Private and Out-of-State Schools which accept IGETC or CSU GE Certification
AICCU Institutions Accepting IGETC and CSU GE
Nonprofit Out-of-State Transfer Schools
Private College Is Possible - AICCU
Online Accredited Colleges and Universities
Private Universities that guarantee admission with an ADT degree
Private Universities
Brigham Young University (per Math Department Chair Summer 2019 - Algebra 2 is not equivalent to Cabrillo MATH 152)
The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, FIDM CSU GE List, FIDM Articulation Agreement (2013), FIDM and Cabrillo Course Equivalency Guide
Kaplan University, Kaplan/Cabrillo Business Admin Agreement, Kaplan/Cabrillo Psychology Agreement, CCC Letter of Cancellation
Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, BA/MA Requirements
Palo Alto University, Transfer Agreement, Cabrillo/Palo Alto University Transfer Requirements
Santa Clara University, Transfer Credit/Transfer Guides, SCU TAA Submission Procedures, TAA Application
Sierra Nevada College, Sierra Nevada/College Transfer Agreement
Stanford University, Stanford/Foothill Primary Care Associate Program
University of Southern California (USC does not accept on-line Communication courses or college credit taken by Exam in High School), GE Programs Summary, Transfer Credit Services
William Jessup University, School of Professional Studies Transfer Course Recommendations