Articulation Department
What is Articulation?
Articulation is the process that links course curriculum between community colleges and universities so that students can transfer from a community college to a university without experiencing a delay or duplication of coursework.
Articulated courses at Cabrillo are courses that:
-are accepted for university credit toward a baccalaureate degree, and/or
-will fulfill General Education requirements at the university, and/or
-will fulfill Major Preparation requirements at the university
Cabrillo has articulation agreements with University of California (UC), California State University (CSU), and many private and out-of-state universities.
Articulation agreements between Cabrillo and the UC and CSU campuses can be found at ASSIST's website.
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Contact Us
Academic Counselor, Interim Articulation Director
Student Services Systems Analyst
Office Specialist/Sr. Student Support Specialist
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