Pilar Agüero-Esparza detail of colorful woven leather piece titled "Laced"

Cabrillo Gallery

Pilar Agüero-Esparza: Stratum

October 3 – 28, 2022
Scroll to the bottom of this page to see the Artists' Talk

Pilar Agüero-Esparza’s inquiry begins with the materials and processes specific to growing up in a shoemaking family. In the craft tradition of huarache–making (Mexican indigenous sandals), repetitive gestures such as the weaving of leather, the hammering of nails and the painting of finishing details make up her current practice. The physical presence and signifying potential of these materials and gestures inspire Agüero-Esparza to analyze how objects are made, who makes them and the physical or social conditions involved in their making.

Agüero-Esparza usurps the tropes of Color Theory, substituting a skin-tone palette for prismatic colors to draw attention to the complexities of skin color. While her chosen color palette is contrived as “neutral” she intends to convey hierarchical power dynamics represented in the chromatic gamut of beige, brown, and black. Her works can be seen as “racialized abstractions” and consider social dynamics and colorism within our culture.Through them, she invokes the viewer to consider the inequities of race, gender and class by presenting them with specific cultural and aesthetic experiences. In representing ideas of othering and conditions of otherness, she calls attention to marginalized cultural and aesthetic experiences to validate them and acknowledge their power.

Images above: detail, Lace 4, Stratum Weave, and Stratum/Merging

See Exhibition images and Artists' Talk below.

Pilar Agüero-Esparza "Stratum Weave" skin colored leather wrapped around painted canvas
Pilar Agüero-Esparza "Stratum/Merging" woven skin colored leather strips on half of the canvas and lined up on the other half
Exhibtion images
Pilar Agüero-Esparza
Gallery view, Title Wall, "Stratum 2 & 3"
Title Wall, gallery view "Stratum 2 & 3"
detail of "Stratum 2 & 3"
detail: "Stratum 2 & 3"
"Lace Curve Relie", Front Wall of Gallery
"Lace Curve Relie", Front Wall of Gallery
Pilar beginning to Weave an installation piece
Pilar beginning to Weave an installation piece
Finished installation piece
Finished installation piece
Gallery view, "Refurbished lasts from my father's collection" 2017, Crayola Multicultural Crayons melted onto wooden lasts, acrylic
Gallery view, "Refurbished lasts from my father's collection" 2017, Crayola Multicultural Crayons melted onto wooden lasts, acrylic
Lace Black/Lessons from Kerry James Marshall, 2021, Acrylic, stretched leather, nails, on wood panel
Lace Black/Lessons from Kerry James Marshall, 2021, Acrylic, stretched leather, nails, on wood panel
Gallery view, woven pieces
Gallery view, woven pieces
"Stratum 4"
"Stratum 4"
Gallery view, "Lace ", and woven pieces
Gallery view, "Lace ", and woven pieces
Gallery view, back gallery
Gallery view
Online Talk Pilar Agüero-Esparza