Jose Gonzalez
English Instructor Associate
Senior Instructional Technician - English
Watsonville Center

Spring 2024 (1/29/2024 - 5/25/2024)


Lecture: Online (asynchronous)

Room: Canvas

Student Support Hours: Please contact me via the course's Canvas email. I will reply within 24 hours, Mon. - Fri. (excluding holidays).

WELCOME to Spring 2024! I'm excited to meet my students this semester for both my online English 1A class and my in-person tutoring sessions. Feel free to visit me in person at the Watsonville ILC for English or ESL tutoring. For now, I'd just like to share that I'm a long-time English instructor and writing tutor at this college. I'll talk to you on Canvas, or see you in the ILC!

Tutoring: Starting the second week of the semester, I am available to ALL students as an English/ESL tutor in the Watsonville ILC on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. 9-11am & 12-3 pm. On Wednesdays, I'm available from 9-11 & 12-1:30pm. This schedule will be updated periodically, so check here before coming to see me in person. Note that you may, of course, consult other English tutors during the ILC's open hours. Also, there is English tutoring at the Aptos campus: Link: Cabrillo Tutoring.