P.E.E.R.S Wellness Ambassadors

People Empowering Each Other to Realize Success

PEERS focus on the Eight Dimensions of Wellness to support a healthier community. How we care for our children, our elders, our families, and ourselves. PEERS Wellness Ambassadors help promote wellness and student success in our campus community. Wellness Ambassadors work with Student Health Services to optimize wellness skills to support the achievement of academic and personal goals.

About Wellness Ambassadors

What do Wellness Ambassadors do?

A Wellness Ambassador will work one-on-one with a student to identify strengths, goals, and plans addressing each dimension of wellness. The PEERS Wellness Ambassador will share resources, teach new skills, help the student develop healthy habits to overcome challenges, and will also be an accountability partner to the student. They also connect students to valuable resources on campus and are leaders in the Active Minds Club.

What can Wellness Ambassadors help with?

  • SMART Goals for Academic & Personal Objectives

  • Time Management

  • Stress Management

  • Studying Tips and Tricks

  • Sleep, Nutrition, and Exercise Support

  • Budgeting

  • Accountability

  • Organization

  • Campus Connections

  • Overall support around the 8 Dimensions of Wellness: Emotional, Environmental, Financial, Intellectual, Occupational, Physical, Social, and Spiritual.

Want support from a PEERS Wellness Ambassador?

Make an appointment by calling (831) 479-6435 or emailing Claudia Peixoto, clpeixot@cabrillo.edu when school is in session. You can also complete this Dimensions of Wellness Assessment where you can request an appointment.

Want to become a PEERS Wellness Ambassador?

PEERS needs you! Bring us your talents to Student Health Services view requirements, application, and recommendation forms through the link below:

Want a brief PEERS presentation in your class?

Complete this form or email Claudia Peixoto at clpeixot@cabrillo.edu

PEERS Members & Bios

2024 Wellness Ambassadors

Andrew is 22 years old and has lived in Aptos his whole life. He is majoring in psychology. He loves connecting with people and helping others. He is currently the Active Minds Club President and the Health and Wellness Representative on Student Senate. He is happy to be in a leadership position that allows him the ability to help build a strong and supportive community at Cabrillo while advocating for mental health awareness.
Email Andrew
Apollo is in their 3rd year at Cabrillo College, pursuing a degree in psychology to become a marriage and family counselor. They are in a leadership role for the Active Minds Club as their ICC rep. Apollo enjoys getting to know their peers on campus and strives to help cultivate a community at Cabrillo through Active Minds. In their free time, Apollo enjoys touching grass, thrifting, journaling, making flower arrangements, and getting coffee with pals.
Email Apollo
Image loading with student health services 8 dimensions of wellness logo in center
Bridgette is pursuing an Associate of Science (AS) degree in Health Science. She aspire to become a Physician Assistant (PA) and work closely with community members and non-profit organizations to promote healthier living. In her free time, she enjoy hiking, powerlifting, and creating homemade crafts.
Email Bridgette
Jackie has been a student at Cabrillo for 2 years and pursuing her degree in Health Science. She is also earning her CHW certificate to work in a health clinic, school, or Eligibility Worker for the county of Santa Cruz. Working for Student Health Services has really been a positive learning experience for Jackie because she is able to approach others with more confidence and she has become more knowledgeable in what student services offers to help students. She enjoys dancing with her children & friends, reading, drinking decaf coffee, walking, and swimming at the gym.
Email Jackie
active minds club logo

Join the Cabrillo College chapter of the national nonprofit Active Minds Club. As a club we empower our members to change the conversation about mental health and suicide prevention by raising awareness, sharing resources, and inspiring action.

The importance of awareness and education about the signs and symptoms of mental health disorders and encouraging students who are struggling to reach out and seek help are extremely valuable, now more than ever. We've all been in a situation where we or someone close to us has shown signs of distress, did you know what to do? This club will help you find the words and learn the resources to help.

Learn about the ways you can be a part of changing the conversations around Mental Health in our school, community and beyond with a supportive group of your peers. If you're ready to be a part of the Active Minds Club or have any questions email cabrillopeers@gmail.com or complete the Active Minds Club Member Form.

Visit the Active Minds Club Linktree for their Instagram, resources and more information.