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squared FINAL CTE medical xray doctor radiologist healthcare
Career Education

Health Sciences & Medical

Dental Hygiene, Medical Assisting, Nursing, and Radiologic Technology

Each department/program features a rewarding curriculum; experienced and caring faculty; and modern real-world equipment and facilities. Our graduates are in high demand. A shortage of qualified health care professionals has created a great need in the healthcare industry and is causing wages and benefits to increase significantly.

Community Health Worker

Are you someone who cares deeply about health and wellness? Do you enjoy working with members of your community? Getting your Community Health Worker certificate can be quick, affordable, and can open doors to new career opportunities in a growing field. Boost your resume as you look for jobs in public health, healthcare, and social services. The classes, held at both Aptos and Watsonville campuses, also provide a chance to practice your English in a safe setting.


Combining biology and technology, biotechnology creates advancements in science, medicine, agriculture, and more! Great careers are available locally and throughout the U.S. at top companies.

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female chw talking with field workers
scientists working in lab

Departments and Programs Offered

Please visit the department websites below for more information. You may also view the multiple CTE Degrees & Certificates available within each department/program below.

nursing students and baby for CTE

Nursing (N)

  • Nursing A.S. Degree

female medical assistants standing on the stairs

Medical Assisting (MA)

  • Medical Assisting A.S. Degree or Certificate

  • Medical Office Receptionist Skills Certificate

  • Phlebotomy Technician Skills Certificate

male student treating the teeth of a female patient

Dental Hygiene (DH)

  • Dental Hygiene A.S. Degree

  • Dental Administrative Assistant

  • Dental Infection Control Coordinator

  • Dental Technology Computer Training

Radiologic Technology Students working with the X Ray Machine

Radiologic Technology (RT)

  • Radiologic Technology A.S. Degree

  • Computed Tomography Skills Certificate

Community Health Workers talking with a group of people

Community Health Worker (HS)

  • Community Health Worker Certificate of Achievement

Biotech Feature Image lab partners

Radiologic Technology (RT)

  • Biotechnology Certificates

Job Market

Want to learn more about related careers?

For each link below,you will find a sampling of related careers including typical responsibilities, median salary in the region, and the level of education required.

Visit our Career Preparation webpage for more information.

Does a future in the Health Sciences or Medical interest you?
  • Visit one of the department websites above for more information

a hand holding a lightbulb