Advancing in College and Career-pathways to Expand STEM Opportunities (ACCESO)


In October 2021 Cabrillo College was awarded a five year, $5 million U.S. Department of Education Title III HSI STEM grant to increase access to and baccalaureate transfer in high-demand STEM fields among Latino and/or Low-income students by working on closing equity gaps in math through the development of contextualized math courses, expand our biotechnology program and increase our dual enrollment with our south county high school students.

Program Goals

  1. Increase access to STEM education through K-12 outreach, dual enrollment, and contextualized teaching & learning in math and STEM.

  2. Develop a Biotechnology career pathway through curriculum revision, upgraded laboratories, articulation, work-based learning, & student support.

  3. Provide integrated academic & transfer support to increase persistence, completion, and transfer rates.

Contact Us
Title III HSI STEM Project Director
HSI Grants Program Coordinator
Male photo
Senior Math Instructional Technician, Integrated Learning Center
Laboratory Coordinator
Instructor Victor helping a student.
Mathematics Instructor,
photo of Jyoti Suresh
Math Instructor and Department Chair
Picture of Emilyn Green with bushes and river in background.
Associate Faculty
Chemistry Instructor
Yves Tan
Instructor and Biotechnology Program Lead
Ms. S Smiling
Title III STEM Newsletters
Voces de STEM 2023 - HSI Week
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