The Academy for College Excellence
Can One Semester Change Your Life?

Are you ready to meet your goals?
The Digital Management and Career Preparation (DMCP) Department offers a range of credit and noncredit courses to help students explore and develop their academic, professional, and personal goals.
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As part of the DMCP department, the ACE program has been helping students discover and build upon their strengths in order to become effective students since 2001.
The ACE Program is currently being redesigned, and is not being offered at this time. If you have questions about ACE, please email the ACE/DMCP Department Chair, Dr. Kylie Kenner, at

Personal goals
Explore your past experiences, set goals for the future, and build strong communication.
DMCP 401: Foundations of Teams
DMCP 411: Introduction to Self-Management
Certificate: The Foundations of Teamwork Certificate of Completion

Professional goals
Plan your next career, prepare your job search, and find workplace satisfaction.
DMCP 402: Preparing for Employment
DMCP 403: Professional Career Search
DMCP 404: Success in the Workplace
DMCP 405: Creating Career Satisfaction and Success
Certificate 402 + 403: Strategic Job Preparation Certificate of Completion
Certificate 404 + 405: The Professional Workplace Skills Certificate of Completion

Academic goals
Develop your ability to analyze, research, and present on social justice issues.
DMCP 20: Social Justice Issues
Earn a Cabrillo Certificate
The Strategic Job Preparation Certificate of Completion is a noncredit certificate designed to prepare students for employment searches and lead to success in job attainment and mobility. Students gain fundamental knowledge, strategies, and resources to seek, apply, and interview for professional work experience. Students prepare a professional resume to use in the job search arena. They identify and utilize various job search and professional networking platforms and prepare to apply and interview for jobs and internships. Upon successful completion of the certificate, students will have an enhanced employment portfolio and be prepared for professional interviews. To learn more, click here.
DMCP 402: Preparing for Employment
Students identify professional knowledge, skills, and abilities and build a résumé
DMCP 403: Professional Career Search
Students evaluate strategies to apply for jobs and prepare and practice for interviews