ASSIST Campus-Specific Information

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Liberal Studies for Teaching reqs - Fall 2018
CSUMB Area A1 courses taken Fall 2016 or later = okay for CSU Area A2
Foreign Language Requirement-not required for high unit majors
Note: ASSIST has not been updated since 2013. Complete all preparation for major courses listed in the University Catalog
Cross Enrollment Form: currently not available due to impaction
Advise students: Take US Institutions and ENGL 2 or PHILO 49 prior to transfer, per SJSU
Chemistry requirement note:
As of Fall 2022, UC Davis and Cabrillo no longer have a course-to-course articulation for Chemistry. Chemistry is now only articulated as a series. Chem 1A and 1B are articulated to UC Davis’s Chem 2A, 2B & 2C. This is true even when only one Chemistry course is required (e.g. Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering). If a student took Chem 1A prior to Fall 2022, Chem 1A is articulated to UC Davis’s Chem 2A. If a student took Chem 1A in Fall 2022 or beyond, Chem 1A is not articulated to UC Davis’s Chem 2A and the student needs to take Chem 1A and Chem 1B to benefit from series articulation.
Calculus requirement note:
As of Spring 2016, UC Davis requires completion of one sequence amount three math sequences for lower-division preparation for the Managerial Economics degree. UC Davis MATH 16A/B/C: A Cabrillo College student may take MATH 18 to satisfy only UC Davis MATH 16A. Because we articulate on a course-to-course basis, Cabrillo College MATH 18 satisfies our MATH 16A wherever our course is required. Managerial Economics is non-selective at the point of admission. Though we highly recommend that all lower-division preparation be completed upon enrollment, we do not require it for admission or TAG. If a student
took only MATH 18 at Cabrillo College, they could come to UC Davis and finish the series with MATH 16B & C. MATH 5A is an alternate and better choice to satisfy UC Davis MATH 16A for students who wish to complete the series at Cabrillo College. Cabrillo
College MATH 18, though it articulates to our MATH 16A would be a less-than- desirable choice for students planning to complete the series while at Cabrillo College; those students will still need Cabrillo College MATH 5A to satisfy UC Davis MATH 16B. Due to a limitation of credit, students will receive credit for only one of these two courses. Students must then take MATH 5B to satisfy UC Davis MATH 16C. Cabrillo College MATH 5A and MATH 5B are both needed to satisfy the series.
UCLA TAP - Honors Program Information
UCLA Communication Studies articulated courses - not offered at Cabrillo - Cabrillo does not have a required course in the major, therefore students would need to take the Communications course at another community college that has articulation to the course in order to transfer.
UCSC Guide to Course Transferability
WRIT 2 Rhetoric and Inquiry: Course taken Fall 2018 or later is equivalent to ENGL1A. No equivalencies awarded for "College" 1 or WRIT 1 beginning Fall 2018.
WRIT 2: given our curriculum review in Fall 2019 and determination of the above, even prior to Fall 2018, WRIT 2 = ENGL1A