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Global and Human Studies & Health and Public Service

Criminal Justice

Looking for a rewarding career that makes a difference in your community? Consider a career in Criminal Justice.

Criminal justice is a well-respected field that involves skilled personnel who are drawn to making an impact in their community. In addition to serving the greater good, those working in law enforcement and criminal justice are in high demand with great job and earning opportunities.

Criminal justice courses provide background and context for this changing field. Students may wish to attain their degree in Criminal Justice because they want to become law enforcement officers. However, the Criminal Justice system is rich with other career possibilities. Examples of career opportunities with a Criminal Justice background: Civilian Investigators, Victim Advocates, Criminal Law (Prosecutorial and Defense), Social Justice Activists, Social Worker, Political Scientist, Paralegal, Forensic Investigator, Forensic Psychologist, Forensic Scientist, Police Officer & Sheriff’s Patrol Officers, Corrections Officer, Juvenile and Adult Probation Officer, Emergency Services Dispatcher, Correctional Officers Supervisor, District Attorneys and Criminal Defense Attorneys.

Read stories of students who are succeeding in different Criminal Justice paths.

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Police officers performing his duties on the streets of Manhattan. New York City Police Department (NYPD) is the largest municipal police force in the United States
juvenile with a female probation officer
a police dispatcher working at console
lawyer and judge gavel and paper work

The Criminal Justice Program is designed to prepare students for transfer and for exciting career opportunities in pre-law, law enforcement, or corrections. Our program also informs students who want to better understand their rights and how the criminal justice system works.

By completing just 60 units, you can earn an A.S. Degree-Transfer for students wishing to continue on to earn a B.S. Degree. Learn more

Ready to learn more and get started? Please contact Ginger Charles, (831) 477-5227 or gicharle@cabrillo.edu.