Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have expanded the need for employees...
who can understand, manage, and support rapidly emerging, evolving, and converging computer, software, networking, telecommunications, Internet, programming, and information systems. Essential skills for careers in the ICT sector include understanding systems that support the management and flow of data, the ability to work well and communicate clearly with people, and the ability to manage projects efficiently. The ICT sector meets national criteria for high demand, high wages, and high skills and provides students with excellent opportunities for interesting work and good pay.
Please visit the department websites below for more information.
You may also view the multiple CTE Degrees & Certificates available within each department/program below.
Computer Information Systems (CIS)
Computer Networking and System Administration
Computer Support Specialist
Computer Applications / Business Technology (CABT)
Computer Applications / Business Technology A.S. Degree
Business Information Worker Certificate
Horticulture (HORT)
Agricultural Technology
Job Market
Want to learn more about related careers?
For each link below,you will find a sampling of related careers including typical responsibilities, median salary in the region, and the level of education required.
Visit our Career Preparation webpage for more information.
Does a future in Information and Communications Technology interest you?
Visit one of the department websites above for more information
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