Mission/Purpose Statement
The Outcomes Assessment Review Committee (OARC), a subcommittee of the Faculty Senate, oversees, analyzes and evaluates all teaching and learning Student Learning Outcome (SLO) assessment activities, a key component of campus program planning, institutional effectiveness and accreditation efforts. Chaired by the SLO Coordinator, OARC provides support to faculty and staff engaged in outcomes assessment by analyzing the results of those efforts and making recommendations for how to improve them. Read more about the committee's official charge here.
SLO Resources at Cabrillo
Committee Members
Jennifer Cass, SLO Coordinator
Dr. Travaris Harris, Accreditation Liaison Officer
TBA 2021-2022, Student Senate Representative
Zach Joseph, Faculty Senate
Jessica Carroll, eLumen Specialist
David Sheftman, CCFT
Paul Harvell, Dean of HASS
Annie Jones, Instruction Assessment Sector for Library and Learning Resources
TBA, Instruction Assessment Sector for CTE
Claire Thorson, Instruction Assessment Sector for Transfer and Basic Skills
Sara Decelle, Instruction Assessment Sector for Noncredit