High School Articulation

Materials for Teachers

The High School Articulation Process

Learn about the high school articulation process to guide your students to sign up for articulated credit.

  1. Create a new articulation agreement, if one does not already exist.

  2. Teach the course content to the specifics of the agreement.

  3. Use the CATEMA system to award high school articulated credit.

The CATEMA System

The Career And Technology Education Management Application (CATEMA®) is used to award high school articulated credit to students. In order for students to receive Cabrillo credit for their articulated courses the steps below should be completed each academic year. See the Teacher Training Manual for detailed instructions.

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  • Go to the CATEMA homepage
  • Click on New Teachers and Create Account
  • Fill out the required fields
  • Wait for your account to be approved

*This step only needs to be completed once. If you already have a CATEMA account skip to step 2.

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  • Log in to CATEMA
  • Click on "Add New Classes"
  • Fill out class information
  • Submit New Class
  • Repeat steps above for additional classes
  • Wait for class record to be approved

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  • Log in to CATEMA
  • Click on "View Class List"
  • Click on the class roster arrow (white arrow in blue background to the right side of each class)
  • Under the "Yes/No" column, click on Yes to accept a student into your class; click on No to reject a student from your class
  • Save changes
  • Repeat the steps above for additional classes

Need help? 

  • Log in to CATEMA
  • Click on "View Class List"
  • Click on the class roster arrow (white arrow in blue background to the right side of each class)
  • Under the grade column- Enter students' letter grades (A, B, C, D, F, P,N (for No Pass); Note: + or - grades can't be entered)
  • Under Recommendation- Click on the "Credit" or "No Credit" radio button for each student.
  • Click on "Save Changes"

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