Preparing You for the Future

There are three main pathways in the CEM program:
Building Inspection
Many of the courses overlap to provide a solid foundational knowledge for students entering any of these industry sectors. The program provides a balanced mix of technical and managerial training so students graduate with the skills and knowledge necessary to be proficient and knowledgeable tradespeople or managers.
CEM strives to provide students hands-on and real-world experiences by way of our highly capable labs, expert faculty that also work in the industry, and field trips to active projects in our community.
The CEM faculty have real-world experience and have been leaders in sustainability and cutting-edge construction technology. We are here to help you along your journey by talking one-on-one about your questions and goals, as well as assisting you in selecting the best path forward for you.
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Most of our graduates find immediate employment from entry-level to mid-management positions.
The following is just a sample of the occupations CEM students secure after achieving a certificate and/or degree:
Mechanical (HVAC) Technician
Energy Rater, Auditor
LEED Green Associate
BPI Professional
HERS Rater
Solar PV Designer, Integrator, Installer
Solar Thermal Designer, Integrator, Installer
Passive Solar Designer
Plans Checker
Permit Technician
Code Compliance Officer
Title 24, Part 6 Energy Code Specialist
CalGreen Building Code Specialist
Construction Manager
Project Manager
The Green Future
Career opportunities in CEM have always been strong as California remains the leader for progressive energy and water efficiency policies, as well as for green workforce education and training. Now, in California, the demand is exponential due to the existing housing crisis heightened due to Covid-19 disruption and our state’s historic wildfires which destroyed homes and businesses across our state, and included significant loss to our local and surrounding communities. It will take a monumental effort to establish a new construction, energy/water, and building inspection workforce to address this historic challenge.
In addition, California is leading the way in sustainable construction with the most robust green codes in the nation. There is also a trend that developers and builders are seeing the value of sustainable construction and often incorporate or require higher sustainability standards to reap the benefits of structures built with energy and water efficiency features. These codes and standards work; California is the only state in the nation that has flatlined energy use due to a growing workforce that is getting our state in compliance and healthy for the future. Green building is no longer an outlier, it is becoming mainstream and continues to prove its worth, both locally and globally in regard to establishing sustainability by reducing emissions and pollution.
You can be part of making this future a reality!

Ready to Get Started?
Review the one-stop-shop digital catalog to pick out your next class and learn how to register.
Have questions? Email Bruce Greenstein or fill out this form.