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Financial Aid and Scholarships

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is defined as the successful completion of coursework toward an eligible program. The Financial Aid Office is obligated by federal law to monitor a student's SAP status. This is done at the end of each term (Fall, Spring, and Summer) and applies to a student's entire academic history at Cabrillo College, whether or not they have received financial aid.

For more SAP information, click here


  1. GPA- Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 for all attempted units at Cabrillo

  2. PACE- Must complete 67% of all the classes you attempt at Cabrillo

    Attempted coursework includes classes with grades of F, No Pass (NP), Emergency Withdrawal (EW), Military Withdrawal (MW), Withdrawal (W), No Credit (NC), and Report Delayed (RD).

    Completed coursework includes classes with grades of A, B, C, D, Credit (CR), and Pass (P).

  3. Maximum Time Frame (MAX) - Stay within 150% of the units required to complete educational goal

    At Cabrillo College, an Associate's Degree typically takes 60 units to complete. Therefore, the maximum number of units that a student may take in order to maintain their financial aid eligibility is 90 units (60 units multiplied by 150%). However, not all academic programs are 60 units in length, such as Certificates of Achievements and specialized technical programs. The maximum time limit is calculated specifically for each individual academic program.

Requirements apply to: Federal Pell Grant, Federal Work Study, Federal Direct Student Loans, Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), Cal Grant, Student Success Completion Grant (SSCG), Cabrillo Promise Program (CPP) and Chafee Grant*

*Chafee recipients should reach out to the financial aid office to determine eligibility

At the end of each term a student is assigned a SAP status which will determine their financial aid eligibility. The SAP statuses are as follows:

Your status is SATISFACTORY because you met SAP requirements and have not reached Maximum Time Frame for your program. You are eligible for financial aid.

For information about finding your SAP status please look at the document here.

Your status is WARNING if you did not meet one or both of the SAP requirements but have not yet reached or exceeded the Maximum Timeframe for your program. You are eligible for financial aid.

For information about finding your SAP status please look at at the document here.

Your status is DISQUALIFIED because you did not meet SAP requirements at the end of your WARNING term. You are not eligible for financial aid.

You have two options to regain your financial aid eligibility, reinstatment or submit a SAP appeal. For more information please see the Regaining Financial Aid Eligibility section.

For information about finding your SAP status please look at at the document here.

Your status is MAXIMUM TIME FRAME because you have reached or exceeded over 150% of your program. You are not currently eligible for financial aid.

You have one option to regain your financial aid eligibility, to submit a SAP appeal. For more information please see the Regaining Financial Aid Eligibility section.

For information about finding your SAP status please look at at the document here.

Your status is PROBATION because your SAP Appeal was approved. You can receive financial aid, however, it is not retroactive. You must meet SAP REQUIREMENTS or you will not be eligible for financial aid for future terms without an appeal.

For information about finding your SAP status please look at at the document here.

Your status is INELIGIBLE because you are not mathematically able to meet SAP requirements by the end of your educational program. You are not eligible for financial aid. This does not apply for California College Promise Grant (CCPG).

For information about finding your SAP status please look at at the document here.

Regaining Financial Aid Eligibility

Students have two options to resolve their SAP in order to regain financial aid eligibility at Cabrillo College:

  1. Reinstatement

    1. Students can regain financial aid eligibility by completing enough classes in good academic standing to increase their overall PACE and cumulative GPA to the minimum requirements. This could take a student a few semesters. Reach out to our office for more details about how many units you would need to reinstate.

  2. Submit a SAP Appeal through MyVerify

    1. If you do not meet SAP requirements, you’re given the opportunity to appeal the loss of financial aid by addressing why you are were not able to meet requirements and how circumstances have changed.

    2. Examples of reasons to appeal include but not limited to, the accident of a close relative or friend; injury, illness, death, mental health, disability, hospitalization, or other medical circumstance of their own or of a relative or close friend; a change in their or their parents' economic status; divorce or separation; domestic abuse; being the victim of a crime or sexual harassment; change in employment, including job loss or pay cut; loss of child care; or homelessness or risk of homelessness, being significantly impacted by and residing in a county that was declared to be in a state of an emergency; flooding, fire or other natural disaster.

Steps to Submit a SAP Appeal

  1. Submit the SAP Appeal form through MyVerify

    1. For guidance on how to complete your SAP appeal form, please refer to the respected documents below:

      1. Writing a Successful Disqualified SAP Appeal

      2. Writing a Successful Max Time SAP Appeal

    2. Your appeal must address the semester you did not meet SAP requirements. Reach out to our office if you are unsure of the term you need to address.

    3. Students have the ability to submit multiple Disqualified SAP appeals, as long as the circumstances are unrelated to previous appeals and at the discretion of the college.

  2. Meet with an academic counselor to create a Comprehensive Educational Plan

    1. Make an appointment with a Cabrillo Academic Counselor to develop and archive a Comprehensive Educational Plan. You must be following your Comprehensive Educational Plan. Please ensure that the major declared on your Ed Plan is your active program.

    2. Upload a copy of comprehensive educational plan in MyVerify

  3. Upload official third-party supporting documentation (only needed for students submitting a Disqualified SAP appeal)

    1. If you are disqualified, you will also need to attach supporting documentation. The documentation submitted must support why SAP was not made, and must correspond with the semester(s) you did not meet SAP requirements. Your SAP Appeal will be considered incomplete without proper documentation.

    2. Disqualified students can show they completed 67% of attempted units and earned 2.0 or greater in degree-applicable courses for the most recent term can submit an appeal showing their passing grades as their third party supporting documentation.

In order to maximize the number of students that are eligible to be paid for the current term, we are moving the Summer SAP Appeal deadline to the last day of the Summer term (8/2).

SAP Appeal Deadlines

Fall 2024: 11/25

Spring 2025: 5/12

Summer 2025: 7/24

Processing time for appeal review can take up to 2-4 weeks.

Students can appeal as long as their educational plan shows that they can meet SAP standards by the end of their educational goal at Cabrillo. Appeals may require additional documentation and a meeting with the Director of Financial Aid.

SAP appeals are available upon request in Spanish or via hard copy. Hard copies can be dropped off at either the Aptos Welcome Center or Watsonville Center.

If an appeal is denied, students have the option to request a second review by emailing us at

If you are only interested in the California College Promise Grant (CCPG fee waiver), you do not need to go through the SAP Appeal process.

SAP Recalculation and Major Changes

SAP status will be recalculated prior to the 2nd disbursement of Financial Aid, for any students that had a grade change processed for the term. Students who were in a Max Time SAP status and changed majors, which results in a change of eligibility, will be captured during this recalculation process. If this calculation results in a change in financial aid eligibility, new awards will be disbursed at that time. Incorrect grades that are resolved after the mid-term SAP recalculation will be accounted for at the end of the term.

SAP Recalculation Dates

Fall 2024: October 8th 2024

Spring 2025: March 18th 2025

Summer 2025: July 8th 2025