We offer a comprehensive college curriculum, from college algebra through linear algebra and differential equations, including courses such as statistics, liberal arts mathematics, finite mathematics, discrete mathematics, and business calculus. For future elementary school teachers, we offer Number Systems, the first of the three-course math requirement.
Math Placement Information
All entering Cabrillo students can enroll in Math 1 College Algebra, Math 4 Precalculus, Math 10 Explorations in Mathematics, Math 12 Statistics, Math 13 Discrete Mathematics, Math 15 Number Systems, or Math 18 Applied Calculus based on high school coursework and GPA.
Please talk to a counselor for specific guidance on which course is most appropriate for you.
Academic Support for your Math Courses
Cabrillo College has the following supports in place to help you succeed in your Math courses.
Corequisite Courses - Corequisite support courses are available for Math 1, 4, 12, and 18. Enrolling in a corequisite class provides additional time with your instructor in class to reinforce the skills needed to succeed in the class.
Tutoring Services – Cabrillo offers free tutoring for our students in learning centers on both campuses. For more information, please click on the ILC, MLC or STEM center links on the left navigation bar.
Embedded Tutoring – Cabrillo places embedded math tutors in a range of classes to provide extra support and mentoring, including certain sections of Math 1, Math 4, Math 12, and Math 10
Math Plus - FREE Intensive math prep and reviews in just one week! Evening option available for two weeks! Click here for more Information!
Math PREP - Extra support and resources for first generation and low-income students coming into Math 4 Precalculus

About the Department:
We have a full-time teaching staff of twenty-one instructors along with a number of adjunct instructors. Our teaching styles vary greatly, and we encourage the diversity to meet our students' learning needs. We recognize the varied levels of expertise and learning styles among our students. We endeavor to help each student achieve her or his unique mathematical potential and to prepare our students for their educational and career choices.
Our top priority is the education of our students. We strive constantly for excellence and clarity in our teaching, helping our students to build a solid academic foundation, whether for one's own personal enrichment, or for transfer or degree preparation. We encourage our students to appreciate the power, utility, and beauty of mathematics. Cabrillo College has a long tradition of providing quality mathematics education from the very basics through elementary calculus and differential equations. We can support your math growth, from arithmetic through university-level mathematics with our coursework, and supports like corequisites, tutoring and SI . We also offer help with overcoming math anxiety and developing study skills in addition to math skill. Throughout our department, we are here for you and your success. Welcome!