Hepatitis A is a contagious liver disease that results from infection with the Hepatitis A virus. It can range in severity from a mild illness lasting a few weeks to a severe illness lasting several months. Hepatitis A is usually spread when a person ingests fecal matter — even in microscopic amounts — from contact with objects, food, or drinks contaminated by the feces or stool of an infected person.
The best way to prevent Hepatitis A is to get vaccinated. The Hep A vaccine fist became available in 1995.
There are 2 ways to become compliant for hepatitis A:
Documentation of the Hepatitis A vaccine series
- This is a 2 shot series with the #2 shot 6 months after the first
- Or if you need your Hep B as well you can get # Twinrix shots (Hep A & B combo shots). This is the same shot schedule as Hep B. See the Hep B page for more information.
- This vaccination is not required for school age children in California so it may not be a part of your childhood immunizations
- You may have been immunized for Hepatitis A if you have traveled outside the country
Positive Hepatitis A titer
- If you believe that you had the Hepatitis A vaccine series but do not have documentation you may have your blood drawn and tested for immunity
Since this is a 2 shot series with the shots 6 months apart, it is understood that you may not be finished with the series when you enter your program. You must be as up to date as you can be and finish the series within 6 months of the first shot.

Department Information
Office Hours:
by appointment only. Call (831) 479-6435 or email healthservices@cabrillo.edu to make an appointment.
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