Stay current
Plan for Success
Get Ahead!
Read through this list to stay on track with important milestones and deadlines.
Includes registration dates and everything else you need to know before the semester begins.
Stay Ahead!
Before registration opens, use self-service Student Planning to plan your courses and select your sections to build your schedule.
Prepare for critical deadlines to add, drop, petition to graduate and so much more!
Late start and short term classes:
Dates and Deadlines for all short-term classes vary depending on the start date of the class. For example, enrollment fees will be reversed only if you have officially withdrawn by refund date.
Can't find what your looking for? Terms added to the document as it becomes available.
Spring 2024
Select A Month
October 2023
- October 1, 2023Spring 2024 Application Open
Application for spring 2024 admissions open. Apply to Cabrillo anytime on or after this date; allow 48 hours for processing to create your account.
- October 1 - 20, 2023Earn an Earlier Registration Date
All students have the opportunity to earn an earlier registration date for spring 2024, by completing these activities:
New students:
Submit the Orientation eForm
Plan some courses for the upcoming term
Continuing Students:
@ 15 units declare a major
maintain good academic standing
ProTip: your registration will not be blocked if these activities are not completed; you will be assigned a later registration date.
- October 20, 2023DUE DATE: complete activities to earn an earlier registration date.
Complete placement, submit the orientation eForm, and plan some classes to earn an earlier registration date.
Miss this date? Not a problem! You will not be blocked from registering. Keep going - your registration open in early December.
- October 27, 2023Registration Dates Posted
Check My Registration Date to see your calculated registration date and ranking. If you think your registration date is wrong, let us know. Submit this eForm to appeal.
November 2023
- November 5, 2023DEADLINE: to appeal your calculated registration date
If you think your registration date is wrong, let us know. Submit this Etrieve Form by 5pm to appeal.
- November 13, 2023Registration Opens for Designated Students
Students designated in these programs: ASC, CalWORKS, EOPS, Guardian Scholars, Puente & PuenteMáS, Rising Scholars, Student Parents, UMOJA, Veterans and WIOA, who had completed placement, submitted the orientation eForm, and planned some courses by October 20, 2023
- November 15, 2023Registration Opens for current Student Athletes & Student Senators
Students designated in a collegiate athletic program (aka: student athletes) and current student senators who had completed placement, submitted the orientation eForm, and planned some courses by October 20, 2023
- November 16, 2023Registration Opens for Continuing Students with 30+ units
Students with sophomore status who had completed placement, submitted the orientation eForm, and planned some courses by October 20, 2023
ProTip: only units completed at Cabrillo are used to calculate status.
- November 20, 2023Registration Opens for Continuing Students with 0-30 units
Students with freshman status who had completed placement, submitted the orientation eForm, and planned some courses by October 20, 2023
- November 27, 2023Registration Opens for New Students
Students NEW to Cabrillo who had completed placement, submitted the orientation eForm, and planned some courses by October 20, 2023
- November 30, 2023Registration Opens for Continuing Students, Continuing Students with 100+ units and Dual Enrolled High School Students
Current students who had not yet completed placement, submitted the orientation eForm, and planned some courses by October 20, 2023
Current Students with more than 100 degree applicable units, except those students enrolled in designated high unit majors
Current dual enrolled high school students taking classes at Cabrillo who had completed placement, submitted the orientation eForm, and planned some courses by October 20, 2023
December 2023
- December 31, 2023Financial Aid Application Open
The 2024-2025 Free Applications for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and 2024-2025 CA Dream Act Application (CADAA) will be available. The priority deadline for submitting your financial aid application is April 2nd, 2024. Some types of funding are limited, so we recommend submitting your application as early as possible. Please contact the Financial Aid & Scholarships office for more information.
- December 4, 2023Registration Opens for New Students
Students NEW to Cabrillo who had not completed placement, submitted the orientation eForm, and planned some courses October 20, 2023
- December 5, 2023Registration Opens for Dual Enrolled High School Students
Current dual enrolled high school students taking classes at Cabrillo who had not completed placement, submitted the orientation eForm, and planned some courses by October 20, 2023
- December 6, 2023 - January 28, 2024Registration Remains Open
Once your registration is open, it remains open. Register Now! for Spring classes in Self-Service
- December 22, 2023- January 1, 2024Campus Closed for Winter Break
Online Services Open 24/7
Application, registration in Self-Service Student Planning and all other online services, like Placement are open.
January 2024
- January 2, 2024Cabrillo Opens to help you prepare for the start of the semester
Start Now! Staff is standing by to help you apply, register and get ready for the start of classes. Connect with us:
- January 15, 2024Holiday | Cabrillo College Closed
Martin Luther King Jr. Day (observed)
- January 16, 2024Bus Passes and Student Activity Cards Available
Connect with the Welcome Center for details
- January 28, 2024Last day to register for full-term Spring 2024 courses using Self Service Student Planning
Log into Self Service Student Planning
- January 29, 2024Spring Semester begins
First day of classes. Connect with your instructor to learn more about class meeting details.
February 2024
- January 29 - February 10, 2024Add|Drop Period for Full-Term Sections Begins
Registration remains OPEN for full term courses. Here's what you need to do:
To add a class section during the Add|Drop period, go to the class meeting or email the instructor to ask for an add authorization. Once you have authorization from the instructor, register through Student Planning.
To drop a class during the Add|Drop period go to Student Planning, select the drop option for the section.
Dates and Deadlines for all short-term classes (less than 16 weeks in spring and fall): course fees will be reversed only if you have officially withdrawn by 10% of the class meetings. This deadline is often the day the class first meets. DEADLINE to request Pass|No-pass for short-term classes is the last day of instruction.
- February 9, 2024DEADLINE: return parking permit for a refund
Last day to return parking permits to receive a refund. For a refund return your physical parking permit to the Welcome Center in Aptos or the Watsonville Center by the end of business day(1:00 PM on Friday's).
- February 10, 2024Add|Drop Period ENDS
Last day to Add or Drop full-term classes in Student Planning.
Last day to add a class with an add authorization. You must use add authorizations by this day or you will no longer be able to register for the class.
Last day to drop a section and receive a reversal of charges or refund of enrollment or transportation fees. (No exceptions!)
Dates and Deadlines for all short-term classes (less than 16 weeks in spring and fall): course fees will be reversed only if you have officially withdrawn by 10% of the class meetings. This deadline is often the day the class first meets. DEADLINE to request Pass|No-pass for short-term classes is the last day of instruction.
- February 11, 2024Withdrawal Deadline
Last day to drop a full-term class without a "W" being notated on your academic record. You will still be charged for the all units.
- February 12, 2024Census Deadline
Faculty: Are you new to this process? Need help? Connect with your Division Office.
Students: Make sure you're registered in your classes and your are showing on the class rosters because your Financial Aid award will not be adjusted after this date.
Critical Notes:
for Financial Aid recipients who have dropped all classes on or before this date, you may be required to repay disbursed finds; are encouraged to connect with Financial Aid for more information about enrollment changes, over payment and repayment.
if you drop yourself or an instructor drops you from a class on Census, you will receive a “W” and be charged for the units.
- February 16 & 19, 2024Holiday | Cabrillo College Closed
16th-Lincoln's Birthday (observed) | 19th-Washington's Birthday (observed)
- February 19, 2024Register to Vote
Last day to register to vote for the March 2024 election and receive a ballot and voter guide in the mail.
March 2024
- March 2, 2024GPAs submitted to California Student Aid Commission for Cal Grant
Cabrillo College will automatically transmit GPAs for students who have completed at least 16 transferable units at Cabrillo College to the California Student Aid Commission for Cal Grant.
- March 5, 2024Election Day (VOTE!)
Election Day – polls open at 7am and close at 8pm.
- March 25 - 30, 2024Spring Break
No classes, campus open, services open with modified hours.
April 2024
- April 01, 2024Holiday|Cabrillo College Closed
Cesar Chavez Day (observed)
- April 05, 2024DEADLINE: for spring graduates and transfer students to petition to graduate
Petition to graduate by this date in order to have your Degree|Certificate conferred for spring graduation.
Includes: Associate of Arts (AA), Associate of Science (AS) and Associate Degree for Transfer (AA-T or AS-T) and Certificates.
Avoid delays, update all your information.
Cabrillo will use all the information listed in your record to:
populate your name on your diploma
send you an email notification of any certificates that will be auto-awarded
send you an invitation and RSVP information to participate in the Commencement Ceremony via email.
mail your diploma to the address on file
View what is currently on file and update all your information with this eForm.
Watch this space for RSVP and additional Commencement Ceremony information.
Good News! Students who graduated in Summer 23, and Fall 23, or submitted a Spring/Summer 24 petition by the April 5th deadline are invited to participate in the graduation/transfer ceremony.
- April 17, 2024Last day to drop a full-term section
Last day to drop a full-term section a grade of “W” will appear on your transcript. If you remain enrolled in a section after this date you will receive a letter grade. Students may request the Pass|No Pass options until the last day of instruction as established and published for the course section as outlined in Title 5 by submitting the etrieve Pass|No Pass Request form.
May 2024
- May 20 - 25, 2024Final Exams
The final for each class may be at a different time than your class meets. See the Finals Schedule for the date and time for each of your finals
- May 21, 2024Deadline to RSVP for Commencement Ceremony
Watch this space for all the details and information.
- May 24, 2024Graduation Commencement Ceremony
Watch this space for all the details and information.
- May 25, 2024Semester Ends|DEADLINE to request Pass|No-pass for Full Term coursesSemester|CCPG funding still available
Students may request the Pass|No Pass options until the last day of instruction as established and published for the course section as outlined in Title 5 by submitting the etrieve Pass|No Pass Request form.
Still need to pay your fees? Last day to submit a California College Promise Grant application for spring semester.
- May 27, 2024Holiday|Campus Closed
Memorial Day
- May 29, 2024DEADLINE: Faculty to Submit Grades & Positive Hours
Are you new to this process? Need help? Connect with your Division Office.
- May 30, 2024Grades Available
Check student planning to view your grades.
- May 31, 2024Pre-ordered Transcripts processed
Pre-ordered transcripts will be processed and released. These pre-ordered transcripts will include Spring 2024 grades.
June 2024
- June 7, 2024Graduating Students External Transcript Deadline
Deadline for students who have petitioned for a Degree/Certificate and are applying external coursework.
Examples include: AP/IB/CLEP scores or transcripts from external institutions (high school, military, or other college/university). Official external transcripts not received by this deadline will require the student to meet with a counselor to determine further processing of the degree petition.
Please send these official transcripts digitally through your institution’s transcript services or via mail to:
Cabrillo College Admissions & Records
Attn: A&R Evaluators
6500 Soquel Dr
Aptos, CA 95003

Summer is Coming
Explore Dates & Deadlines for Summer 2024(coming soon)